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Detecting contaminated sequences in a bacteria assembly


Tracked changes in github

  • 2023-07-20
    • Recommend using masked GTDB index files.
    • Recommend using GTDB taxdump files rather than NCBI taxdump files.
    • Adjust profiling prameters.
  • 2023-07-16
    • First public version.


  • kmcp:
  • seqkit:, >= v2.5.0 which has the new command seqkit merge-slides.
  • taxonkit:
  • csvtk:, >=v0.26.0 is needed for the new features of pretty subcommand.


  • KMCP database v2023.05: please choose files below to download from here.
    • GTDB index files (need to be uncompressed)
      • Option 1: (Recommended) with both plasmid and prophage masked with genomad.
        • gtdb_masked.part_1.kmcp.tar.gz
        • gtdb_masked.part_2.kmcp.tar.gz
      • Option 2: only plasmid filtered out according to sequence names.
        • gtdb.part_1.kmcp.tar.gz
        • gtdb.part_2.kmcp.tar.gz
    • Taxdump files and TaxId mapping file:
      • Option 1: (Recommended) GTDB+NCBI taxonomy. Actually, only the GTDB taxonomy is used here, cause we only use the GTDB KMCP database, no viral or fungal databases are used.
        • taxdump.gtdbR214.1+ncbi.tar.gz, uncompressed directory is taxdump.gtdb+ncbi/
      • Option 2: NCBI taxonomy
        • taxdump.tar.gz, uncompressed directory is taxdump/


  • RAM >= 64GB
  • CPUs >= 32 preferred.


Generating reads (sliding a 200-bp windows with a step of 50-bp) from the genome, and performing metagenomoic profiling with them.

# variables


# search against GTDB databases
# !!! if the KMCP databases are in a network-attached storage disk (NAS),
# !!! please add the flag "-w" to "kmcp search"
for db in ~/ws/data/kmcp2023/gtdb_masked.part_{1,2}.kmcp/; do
    seqkit sliding -g -s 50 -W 200 $input \
        | kmcp search -w -d $db -o $input.kmcp@$(basename $db).tsv.gz

# merge seach results
kmcp merge -o $input.kmcp.tsv.gz $input.kmcp@*.tsv.gz

# profiling and outputing read classification results.
# here the profiling mode 0 with some modification is used.
kmcp profile -X $taxdump -T $taxmap $input.kmcp.tsv.gz \
    --mode 0 \
    --min-chunks-reads 2 \
    --min-chunks-fraction 0.1 \
    --min-uniq-reads 2 \
    --min-hic-ureads 2 \
    --min-hic-ureads-qcov 0.75  \
    -o $input.kmcp.tsv.gz.k.profile \
    -B $input.kmcp.tsv.gz.binning.gz

cat $input.kmcp.tsv.gz.k.profile \
    | csvtk cut -t -f ref,percentage,score,chunksFrac,reads,taxid,taxname \
    | csvtk pretty -t

ref               percentage   score    chunksFrac   reads    taxid        taxname
---------------   ----------   ------   ----------   ------   ----------   -------------------------
GCF_001457615.1   99.404207    100.00   1.00         113705   1696268695   Pseudomonas aeruginosa
GCF_000017205.1   0.287847     90.83    1.00         343      1859336444   Pseudomonas aeruginosa_A
GCF_000008985.1   0.062836     100.00   0.70         23       418881019    Francisella tularensis
GCF_002091755.1   0.036987     83.61    0.20         38       744524063    Pseudomonas nitroreducens
GCA_003248965.1   0.043636     100.00   0.10         24       1907132177   Brevundimonas sp003248965
GCF_014323605.1   0.026607     100.00   0.10         9        1727494734   Lactobacillus kimbladii_B
GCF_002086125.1   0.012896     94.72    0.10         11       2029805517   Mycobacterium arosiense
GCF_015070855.1   0.072767     91.67    0.10         60       1955376258   Stutzerimonas lopnurensis
GCF_008369105.1   0.009527     90.83    0.10         6        1075315903   Aquicoccus porphyridii
GCF_014199795.1   0.030303     86.67    0.10         27       775010010    Xanthomonas_A sp014199795
GCF_003797765.1   0.012387     85.83    0.10         14       49646394     Ramlibacter sp003797765

Checking contaminated regions. Here we check "inter-genus" contamination.

# the taxid of the predominant target of the highest percentage
taxidMain=$(csvtk cut -t -f taxid $input.kmcp.tsv.gz.k.profile | sed 1d | head -n 1)

# the genus taxid of the target.
# the placeholders of different ranks:
#    {k}: superkingdom
#    {K}: kingdom
#    {p}: phylum
#    {c}: class
#    {o}: order
#    {f}: family
#    {g}: genus
#    {s}: species
taxidMainGenus=$(echo $taxidMain | taxonkit reformat --data-dir $taxdump -I 1 -t -f '{g}' | cut -f 3)

# find out sequence IDs belonging to other genera (potential contaminated contigs).
#   1. filter out reads with taxids equal to and below the genus node of the predominant target.
#   2. filter out reads with taxids above the genus node of the predominant target.
zcat $input.kmcp.tsv.gz.binning.gz | grep -v ^@ \
    | csvtk grep -Ht -f 2 -v -P <(taxonkit list --data-dir $taxdump --ids $taxidMainGenus -I "") \
    | csvtk grep -Ht -f 2 -v -P <(csvtk cut -t -f taxpathsn $input.kmcp.tsv.gz.k.profile \
                                    | sed 1d | head -n 1 | sed "s/;/\n/g") \
        -o $input.kmcp.tsv.gz.binning.filtered.tsv

# merge regions. seqkit >=v2.5.0 is needed.
seqkit merge-slides $input.kmcp.tsv.gz.binning.filtered.tsv --quiet \
    -o $input.kmcp.tsv.gz.cont.tsv

# collect taxonomy info for each contig
csvtk mutate -Ht -p '^(.+)_sliding' $input.kmcp.tsv.gz.binning.filtered.tsv \
    | csvtk freq -Ht -f 3,2 -nr \
    | taxonkit lineage --data-dir $taxdump -i 2 -n -L \
    | awk -F'\t' '{print $1"\t"$2"("$4")"}' \
    | csvtk fold -Ht -f 1 -v 2 -s ',' \
        -o $input.kmcp.tsv.gz.binning.filtered.tsv.taxa

# sum up regions of each contigs and append taxonomy information
awk '{print $0"\t"($3-$2)}' $input.kmcp.tsv.gz.cont.tsv \
    | csvtk summary -Ht -g 1 -f 4:count -f 4:sum  -w 0 \
    | csvtk join -Ht - <(seqkit fx2tab -ni -l $input) \
    | awk '{print $0"\t"($3/$4)}' \
    | csvtk join -Ht - $input.kmcp.tsv.gz.binning.filtered.tsv.taxa \
    | csvtk add-header -Ht -n chr,regions,len,contig_len,proportion,taxa \
    | csvtk sort -t -k proportion:nr \
    | tee $input.kmcp.tsv.gz.cont.details2.tsv \
    | csvtk pretty -t -x , -W 40 -S bold

┃ chr                      ┃ regions ┃ len  ┃ contig_len ┃ proportion ┃ taxa                                     ┃
┃ SAMN02360712.contig00044 ┃ 1       ┃ 1151 ┃ 1151       ┃ 1          ┃ 418881019(Francisella tularensis)        ┃
┃ SAMN02360712.contig00024 ┃ 1       ┃ 1300 ┃ 54646      ┃ 0.0237895  ┃ 1907132177(Brevundimonas sp003248965)    ┃
┃ SAMN02360712.contig00003 ┃ 6       ┃ 4900 ┃ 583201     ┃ 0.00840191 ┃ 1955376258(Stutzerimonas lopnurensis),   ┃
┃                          ┃         ┃      ┃            ┃            ┃ 2029805517(Mycobacterium arosiense),     ┃
┃                          ┃         ┃      ┃            ┃            ┃ 1075315903(Aquicoccus porphyridii)       ┃
┃ SAMN02360712.contig00028 ┃ 1       ┃ 200  ┃ 47311      ┃ 0.00422735 ┃ 49646394(Ramlibacter sp003797765)        ┃
┃ SAMN02360712.contig00002 ┃ 1       ┃ 1500 ┃ 622965     ┃ 0.00240784 ┃ 775010010(Xanthomonas_A sp014199795)     ┃
┃ SAMN02360712.contig00001 ┃ 2       ┃ 1350 ┃ 670989     ┃ 0.00201196 ┃ 49646394(Ramlibacter sp003797765),       ┃
┃                          ┃         ┃      ┃            ┃            ┃ 1727494734(Lactobacillus kimbladii_B)    ┃
┃ SAMN02360712.contig00012 ┃ 1       ┃ 200  ┃ 164357     ┃ 0.00121686 ┃ 49646394(Ramlibacter sp003797765)        ┃

We can see the whole (proportion: 1) contig SAMN02360712.contig00044 is from a species belonging to a different genus even a different order (see the table below). So it is likely be a contaminated sequence.

echo 1696268695 418881019 \
    | sed -E 's/\s+/\n/g' \
    | taxonkit reformat --data-dir $taxdump -I 1 -f '{k}\t{p}\t{c}\t{o}\t{f}\t{g}\t{s}' \
    | csvtk add-header -t -n taxid,kingdom,phylum,class,order,family,genus,species \
    | csvtk csv2md -t
taxid kingdom phylum class order family genus species
1696268695 Bacteria Pseudomonadota Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Pseudomonadaceae Pseudomonas Pseudomonas aeruginosa
418881019 Bacteria Pseudomonadota Gammaproteobacteria Francisellales Francisellaceae Francisella Francisella tularensis

Results of other genomes


ref               percentage   score    chunksFrac   reads   taxid        taxname
---------------   ----------   ------   ----------   -----   ----------   -----------------------------------
GCF_900636965.1   96.429166    100.00   1.00         46468   1117865993   Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus
GCF_000829055.1   0.549915     100.00   0.60         273     825607537    Lacticaseibacillus casei
GCF_000829035.1   0.354971     100.00   0.60         180     48517550     Lacticaseibacillus paracasei
GCF_000160855.1   0.644110     76.11    0.30         206     874525029    Lactobacillus helveticus
GCF_004010835.2   0.086689     71.39    0.30         30      1671588307   Oenococcus sp004010835
GCF_003946165.1   0.634638     100.00   0.20         267     421700347    Lacticaseibacillus baoqingensis
GCF_018314255.1   0.076443     100.00   0.20         31      1789109845   Lentilactobacillus buchneri
GCF_001435035.1   0.063781     100.00   0.20         25      616476218    Lacticaseibacillus manihotivorans
GCF_000425885.1   0.407963     98.89    0.20         181     967313734    Schleiferilactobacillus harbinensis
GCF_009687905.1   0.099333     93.61    0.20         35      1782720633   Lacticaseibacillus zhaodongensis
GCF_000241055.1   0.343355     92.78    0.20         103     1598366773   Oenococcus kitaharae
GCF_004123795.1   0.045943     91.67    0.20         16      433079397    Lacticaseibacillus chiayiensis
GCF_003946675.1   0.024679     89.72    0.10         8       754863007    Lapidilactobacillus gannanensis
GCF_001434935.1   0.012219     88.61    0.10         4       1458176950   Liquorilactobacillus uvarum
GCF_001042675.1   0.049260     88.34    0.10         15      688400175    Parascardovia denticolens
GCF_016908275.1   0.049721     86.11    0.10         13      697696210    Periweissella beninensis
GCF_001312865.1   0.069118     79.72    0.10         22      1758332344   Lacticaseibacillus thailandensis
GCF_000146325.1   0.016039     78.33    0.10         5       973442108    Pediococcus acidilactici
GCF_020180945.1   0.042655     73.33    0.10         21      332970717    Lacticaseibacillus sp0201809

┃ chr                      ┃ regions ┃ len   ┃ contig_len ┃ proportion ┃ taxa                                               ┃
┃ SAMEA2437751.contig00033 ┃ 11      ┃ 8331  ┃ 19131      ┃ 0.435471   ┃ 967313734(Schleiferilactobacillus harbinensis)     ┃
┃ SAMEA2437751.contig00030 ┃ 37      ┃ 13249 ┃ 31099      ┃ 0.426027   ┃ 874525029(Lactobacillus helveticus),               ┃
┃                          ┃         ┃       ┃            ┃            ┃ 1598366773(Oenococcus kitaharae),                  ┃
┃                          ┃         ┃       ┃            ┃            ┃ 688400175(Parascardovia denticolens),              ┃
┃                          ┃         ┃       ┃            ┃            ┃ 1671588307(Oenococcus sp004010835),                ┃
┃                          ┃         ┃       ┃            ┃            ┃ 1448562449(Oenococcus)                             ┃
┃ SAMEA2437751.contig00038 ┃ 11      ┃ 5450  ┃ 14019      ┃ 0.388758   ┃ 1789109845(Lentilactobacillus buchneri),           ┃
┃                          ┃         ┃       ┃            ┃            ┃ 874525029(Lactobacillus helveticus),               ┃
┃                          ┃         ┃       ┃            ┃            ┃ 1671588307(Oenococcus sp004010835),                ┃
┃                          ┃         ┃       ┃            ┃            ┃ 973442108(Pediococcus acidilactici),               ┃
┃                          ┃         ┃       ┃            ┃            ┃ 1458176950(Liquorilactobacillus uvarum),           ┃
┃                          ┃         ┃       ┃            ┃            ┃ 1598366773(Oenococcus kitaharae)                   ┃
┃ SAMEA2437751.contig00047 ┃ 2       ┃ 950   ┃ 6428       ┃ 0.147791   ┃ 697696210(Periweissella beninensis)                ┃
┃ SAMEA2437751.contig00059 ┃ 1       ┃ 93    ┃ 643        ┃ 0.144635   ┃ 1671588307(Oenococcus sp004010835)                 ┃
┃ SAMEA2437751.contig00046 ┃ 1       ┃ 900   ┃ 6542       ┃ 0.137573   ┃ 1598366773(Oenococcus kitaharae)                   ┃
┃ SAMEA2437751.contig00045 ┃ 1       ┃ 850   ┃ 8566       ┃ 0.0992295  ┃ 1598366773(Oenococcus kitaharae)                   ┃
┃ SAMEA2437751.contig00028 ┃ 3       ┃ 700   ┃ 38428      ┃ 0.0182159  ┃ 754863007(Lapidilactobacillus gannanensis)         ┃
┃ SAMEA2437751.contig00008 ┃ 2       ┃ 850   ┃ 120682     ┃ 0.0070433  ┃ 967313734(Schleiferilactobacillus harbinensis)     ┃


ref               percentage   score    chunksFrac   reads   taxid        taxname
---------------   ----------   ------   ----------   -----   ----------   --------------------
GCF_000006945.2   99.330920    100.00   1.00         91824   1678121664   Salmonella enterica
GCA_900478215.1   0.444068     92.78    1.00         392     1270053497   Salmonella houtenae
GCF_008692845.1   0.213823     82.78    1.00         161     1647206931   Salmonella arizonae
GCF_011064845.1   0.011190     75.55    0.10         11      1757895327   Citrobacter freundii

┃ chr                      ┃ regions ┃ len ┃ contig_len ┃ proportion ┃ taxa                             ┃
┃ SAMN10397458.contig00041 ┃ 1       ┃ 40  ┃ 1740       ┃ 0.0229885  ┃ 1757895327(Citrobacter freundii) ┃
┃ SAMN10397458.contig00006 ┃ 1       ┃ 800 ┃ 271389     ┃ 0.0029478  ┃ 1757895327(Citrobacter freundii) ┃