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Category Command Function Input In.sorted In.flag-consistency Output Out.sorted Out.unique
Counting count Generate k-mers (sketch) from FASTA/Q sequences fastx / / .unik optional optional
Information info Information of binary files .unik optional no need tsv / /
num Quickly inspect the number of k-mers in binary files .unik optional no need tsv / /
Format conversion view Read and output binary format to plain text .unik optional required tsv / /
dump Convert plain k-mer text to binary format tsv optional / .unik optional follow input
encode Encode plain k-mer texts to integers tsv / / tsv / /
decode Decode encoded integers to k-mer texts tsv / / tsv / /
Set operations concat Concatenate multiple binary files without removing duplicates .unik optional required .unik optional no
inter Intersection of k-mers in multiple binary files .unik required required .unik yes yes
common Find k-mers shared by most of the binary files .unik required required .unik yes yes
union Union of k-mers in multiple binary files .unik optional required .unik optional yes
diff Set difference of k-mers in multiple binary files .unik 1th file required required .unik optional yes
Split and merge sort Sort k-mers to reduce the file size and accelerate downstream analysis .unik optional required .unik yes optional
split Split k-mers into sorted chunk files .unik optional required .unik yes optional
tsplit Split k-mers according to TaxId .unik required required .unik yes yes
merge Merge k-mers from sorted chunk files .unik required required .unik yes optional
Subset head Extract the first N k-mers .unik optional required .unik follow input follow input
sample Sample k-mers from binary files .unik optional required .unik follow input follow input
grep Search k-mers from binary files .unik optional required .unik follow input optional
filter Filter out low-complexity k-mers .unik optional required .unik follow input follow input
rfilter Filter k-mers by taxonomic rank .unik optional required .unik follow input follow input
Searching on genomes locate Locate k-mers in genome .unik, fasta optional required tsv / /
map Mapping k-mers back to the genome and extract successive regions/subsequences .unik, fasta optional required bed/fasta / /


unikmer - a versatile toolkit for k-mers with taxonomic information

unikmer is a toolkit for nucleic acid k-mer analysis, providing functions
including set operation on k-mers optional with TaxIds but without count

K-mers are either encoded (k<=32) or hashed (k<=64) into 'uint64',
and serialized in binary file with the extension '.unik'.

TaxIds can be assigned when counting k-mers from genome sequences,
and LCA (Lowest Common Ancestor) is computed during set opertions
including computing union, intersection, set difference, unique and
repeated k-mers.

Version: v0.20.0

Author: Wei Shen <>

Documents  :
Source code:

Dataset (optional):

  Manipulating k-mers with TaxIds needs taxonomy file from e.g., 
  NCBI Taxonomy database, please extract "nodes.dmp", "names.dmp",
  "delnodes.dmp" and "merged.dmp" from link below into ~/.unikmer/ , , 
  or some other directory, and later you can refer to using flag
  --data-dir or environment variable UNIKMER_DB.

  For GTDB, use 'taxonkit create-taxdump' to create NCBI-style
  taxonomy dump files, or download from:

  Note that TaxIds are represented using uint32 and stored in 4 or
  less bytes, all TaxIds should be in the range of [1, 4294967295].

  unikmer [command] 

Available Commands:
  autocompletion Generate shell autocompletion script (bash|zsh|fish|powershell)
  common         Find k-mers shared by most of the binary files
  concat         Concatenate multiple binary files without removing duplicates
  count          Generate k-mers (sketch) from FASTA/Q sequences
  decode         Decode encoded integer to k-mer text
  diff           Set difference of k-mers in multiple binary files
  dump           Convert plain k-mer text to binary format
  encode         Encode plain k-mer texts to integers
  filter         Filter out low-complexity k-mers (experimental)
  grep           Search k-mers from binary files
  head           Extract the first N k-mers
  info           Information of binary files
  inter          Intersection of k-mers in multiple binary files
  locate         Locate k-mers in genome
  map            Mapping k-mers back to the genome and extract successive regions/subsequences
  merge          Merge k-mers from sorted chunk files
  num            Quickly inspect the number of k-mers in binary files
  rfilter        Filter k-mers by taxonomic rank
  sample         Sample k-mers from binary files
  sort           Sort k-mers to reduce the file size and accelerate downstream analysis
  split          Split k-mers into sorted chunk files
  tsplit         Split k-mers according to taxid
  union          Union of k-mers in multiple binary files
  version        Print version information and check for update
  view           Read and output binary format to plain text

  -c, --compact                 write compact binary file with little loss of speed
      --compression-level int   compression level (default -1)
      --data-dir string         directory containing NCBI Taxonomy files, including nodes.dmp,
                                names.dmp, merged.dmp and delnodes.dmp (default "/home/shenwei/.unikmer")
  -h, --help                    help for unikmer
  -I, --ignore-taxid            ignore taxonomy information
  -i, --infile-list string      file of input files list (one file per line), if given, they are
                                appended to files from cli arguments
      --max-taxid uint32        for smaller TaxIds, we can use less space to store TaxIds. default value
                                is 1<<32-1, that's enough for NCBI Taxonomy TaxIds (default 4294967295)
  -C, --no-compress             do not compress binary file (not recommended)
      --nocheck-file            do not check binary file, when using process substitution or named pipe
  -j, --threads int             number of CPUs to use (default 4)
      --verbose                 print verbose information

Use "unikmer [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Generate k-mers (sketch) from FASTA/Q sequences

  1. K-mer code (k<=32)
  2. Hashed k-mer (ntHash, k<=64)

K-mer sketches:
  1. Scaled MinHash
  2. Minimizer
  3. Closed Syncmer

  unikmer count [flags] -K -k <k> -u -s [-t <taxid>] <seq files> -o <out prefix>

  -K, --canonical                   only keep the canonical k-mers
      --circular                    circular genome
  -H, --hash                        save hash of k-mer, automatically on for k>32. This flag overides
                                    global flag -c/--compact
  -h, --help                        help for count
  -k, --kmer-len int                k-mer length
  -l, --linear                      output k-mers in linear order, duplicate k-mers are not removed
  -W, --minimizer-w int             minimizer window size
  -V, --more-verbose                print extra verbose information
  -o, --out-prefix string           out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
  -T, --parse-taxid                 parse taxid from FASTA/Q header
  -r, --parse-taxid-regexp string   regular expression for passing taxid
  -d, --repeated                    only count duplicate k-mers, for removing singleton in FASTQ
  -D, --scale int                   scale/down-sample factor (default 1)
  -B, --seq-name-filter strings     list of regular expressions for filtering out sequences by
                                    header/name, case ignored.
  -s, --sort                        sort k-mers, this significantly reduce file size for k<=25. This
                                    flag overides global flag -c/--compact
  -S, --syncmer-s int               closed syncmer length
  -t, --taxid uint32                global taxid
  -u, --unique                      only count unique k-mers, which are not duplicate


Information of binary files

  1. For lots of small files (especially on SDD), use big value of '-j' to
     parallelize counting.

  unikmer info [flags] 

  info, stats

  -a, --all                   all information, including number of k-mers
  -b, --basename              only output basename of files
  -h, --help                  help for info
  -o, --out-file string       out file ("-" for stdout, suffix .gz for gzipped out) (default "-")
  -e, --skip-err              skip error, only show warning message
      --symbol-false string   smybol for false (default "✕")
      --symbol-true string    smybol for true (default "✓")
  -T, --tabular               output in machine-friendly tabular format


Quickly inspect the number of k-mers in binary files

  1. This command is designed to quickly inspect the number of k-mers in binary file,
  2. For non-sorted file, it returns '-1' unless switching on flag '-f/--force'.

  unikmer num [flags] 

  -b, --basename          only output basename of files
  -n, --file-name         show file name
  -f, --force             read the whole file and count k-mers
  -h, --help              help for num
  -o, --out-file string   out file ("-" for stdout, suffix .gz for gzipped out) (default "-")


Read and output binary format to plain text

  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. Input files should ALL have or don't have taxid information.

  unikmer view [flags] 

  -a, --fasta             output in FASTA format, with encoded integer as FASTA header
  -q, --fastq             output in FASTQ format, with encoded integer as FASTQ header
  -g, --genome strings    genomes in (gzipped) fasta file(s) for decoding hashed k-mers
  -h, --help              help for view
  -o, --out-file string   out file ("-" for stdout, suffix .gz for gzipped out) (default "-")
  -n, --show-code         show encoded integer along with k-mer
  -N, --show-code-only    only show encoded integers, faster than cutting from result of -n/--show-cde
  -t, --show-taxid        show taxid
  -T, --show-taxid-only   show taxid only


Convert plain k-mer text to binary format

  1. Input should be one k-mer per line, or tab-delimited two columns
     with a k-mer and it's taxid.
  2. You can also assign a global taxid with flag -t/--taxid.

  unikmer dump [flags] 

  -K, --canonical           save the canonical k-mers
  -O, --canonical-only      only save the canonical k-mers. This flag overides -K/--canonical
  -H, --hash                save hash of k-mer, automatically on for k>32. This flag overides global
                            flag -c/--compact
      --hashed              giving hash values of k-mers, This flag overides global flag -c/--compact
  -h, --help                help for dump
  -k, --kmer-len int        k-mer length
  -o, --out-prefix string   out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
  -s, --sorted              input k-mers are sorted
  -t, --taxid uint32        global taxid
  -u, --unique              remove duplicate k-mers


Encode plain k-mer texts to integers

  unikmer encode [flags] 

  -a, --all               output all data: orginial k-mer, parsed k-mer, encoded integer, encode bits
  -K, --canonical         keep the canonical k-mers
  -H, --hash              save hash of k-mer, automatically on for k>32
  -h, --help              help for encode
  -o, --out-file string   out file ("-" for stdout, suffix .gz for gzipped out) (default "-")


Decode encoded integers to k-mer texts

  unikmer decode [flags] 

  -a, --all               output all data: encoded integer, decoded k-mer
  -h, --help              help for decode
  -k, --kmer-len int      k-mer length
  -o, --out-file string   out file ("-" for stdout, suffix .gz for gzipped out) (default "-")


Concatenate multiple binary files without removing duplicates

  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. Input files should ALL have or don't have taxid information.

  unikmer concat [flags] 

  -h, --help                help for concat
  -n, --number int          number of k-mers (default -1)
  -o, --out-prefix string   out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
  -s, --sorted              input k-mers are sorted
  -t, --taxid uint32        global taxid


Intersection of k-mers in multiple binary files

  0. All input files should be sorted, and output file is sorted.
  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. Taxid information could be inconsistent when using flag --mix-taxid.

  1. For comparing TWO files with really huge number of k-mers,
     you can use 'unikmer sort -u -m 100M' for each file,
     and then 'unikmer merge -' from them.
  2. Put the smallest file in the beginning to reduce memory usage.

  unikmer inter [flags] 

  -h, --help                help for inter
  -m, --mix-taxid           allow part of files being whithout taxids
  -o, --out-prefix string   out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")


Find k-mers shared by most of the binary files

This command is similar to "unikmer inter" but with looser restriction,
k-mers shared by some number/proportion of multiple files are outputted.

  0. All input files should be sorted, and output file is sorted.
  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. Taxid information could be inconsistent when using flag --mix-taxid.
  3. At most 65535 input files allowed.

  1. For comparing TWO files with really huge number of k-mers,
     you can use 'unikmer sort -u -m 100M' for each file,
     and then 'unikmer merge -' from them.
  2. Put the smallest file in the beginning to reduce memory usage.

  unikmer common [flags] 

  -h, --help                help for common
  -m, --mix-taxid           allow part of files being whithout taxids
  -n, --number int          minimum number of files that share a k-mer (overides -p/--proportion)
  -o, --out-prefix string   out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
  -p, --proportion float    minimum proportion of files that share a k-mer (default 1)


Union of k-mers in multiple binary files

  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. Input files should ALL have or don't have taxid information.

  1. 'unikmer sort -u' is slightly faster in cost of more memory usage.
  2. For really huge number of k-mers, you can use 'unikmer sort -m 100M -u'.
  3. For large number of sorted .unik files, you can use 'unikmer merge'.

  unikmer union [flags] 

  -h, --help                help for union
  -o, --out-prefix string   out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
  -s, --sort                sort k-mers, this significantly reduce file size for k<=25. This flag
                            overides global flag -c/--compact


Set difference of k-mers in multiple binary files

  0. The first file should be sorted.
  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. By default taxids in the 2nd and later files are ignored.
  3. You can switch on flag -t/--compare-taxid, and input
     files should ALL have or don't have taxid information.
     A same k-mer found but query taxid equals to target taxid,
     or query taxid is ancester of target taxid, this k-mer remains.

  1. Increasing threads number (-j/--threads) to accelerate computation
     when dealing with lots of files, in cost of more memory occupation.

  unikmer diff [flags] 

  -t, --compare-taxid       take taxid into consideration. type unikmer "diff -h" for detail
  -h, --help                help for diff
  -o, --out-prefix string   out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
  -s, --sort                sort k-mers, this significantly reduce file size for k<=25. This flag
                            overides global flag -c/--compact


Sort k-mers in binary files to reduce file size

  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. Input files should ALL have or don't have taxid information.

  1. When sorting from large number of files, this command is equivalent to
     'unikmer split' + 'unikmer merge'.

  1. You can use '-m/--chunk-size' to limit memory usage, and chunk file size
     depends on k-mers and file save mode (sorted/compact/normal).
  2. Increasing value of -j/--threads can accelerates splitting stage,
     in cost of more memory occupation.
  3. For sorted input files, the memory usage is very low and speed is fast.

  unikmer sort [flags] 

  -m, --chunk-size string    split input into chunks of N k-mers, supports K/M/G suffix, type "unikmer
                             sort -h" for detail
      --force                overwrite tmp dir
  -h, --help                 help for sort
  -k, --keep-tmp-dir         keep tmp dir
  -M, --max-open-files int   max number of open files (default 400)
  -o, --out-prefix string    out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
  -d, --repeated             only print duplicate k-mers
  -t, --tmp-dir string       directory for intermediate files (default "./")
  -u, --unique               remove duplicate k-mers


Split k-mers into sorted chunk files

  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. Input files should ALL have or don't have taxid information.

  1. You can use '-m/--chunk-size' to limit memory usage, and chunk file size
     depends on k-mers and file save mode (sorted/compact/normal).
  2. Increasing value of -j/--threads can accelerates splitting stage,
     in cost of more memory occupation.
  3. For sorted input files, the memory usage is very low and speed is fast.

  unikmer split [flags] 

  -m, --chunk-size string   split input into chunks of N k-mers, supports K/M/G suffix, type "unikmer
                            sort -h" for detail
      --force               overwrite output directory
  -h, --help                help for split
  -O, --out-dir string      output directory
  -d, --repeated            split for further printing duplicate k-mers
  -u, --unique              split for further removing duplicate k-mers


Split k-mers according to taxid

  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. Input files should ALL have taxid information.
  3. Input files should be sorted using 'unikmer sort'.
  4. All k-mers will loaded into RAM, for big input files,
     you can 'split' them first, 'tsplit' and then 'concat'
     for every taxid.

  1. Increasing value of -j/--threads can accelerates splitting stage,
     in cost of more memory occupation.

  unikmer tsplit [flags] 

      --force               overwrite output directory
  -h, --help                help for tsplit
  -O, --out-dir string      output directory
  -o, --out-prefix string   out file prefix (default "tsplit")


Merge k-mers from sorted chunk files

  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. Input files should ALL have or don't have taxid information.
  3. Input files should be sorted.

  1. If you don't need to compute unique or repeated k-mers, 
     use 'unikmer concat -s', which is faster.

  unikmer merge [flags] 

      --force                overwrite tmp dir
  -h, --help                 help for merge
  -D, --is-dir               intput files are directory containing chunk files
  -k, --keep-tmp-dir         keep tmp dir
  -M, --max-open-files int   max number of open files (default 400)
  -o, --out-prefix string    out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
  -p, --pattern string       chunk file pattern (regular expression) (default "^chunk_\\d+\\.unik$")
  -d, --repeated             only print duplicate k-mers
  -t, --tmp-dir string       directory for intermediate files (default "./")
  -u, --unique               remove duplicate k-mers

Extract the first N k-mers

  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. Input files should ALL have or don't have taxid information.

  unikmer head [flags] 

  -h, --help                help for head
  -n, --number int          number of k-mers to extract (default 10)
  -o, --out-prefix string   out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")


Sample k-mers from binary files.

The Sampling type is fixed sampling.

  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. Input files should ALL have or don't have taxid information.

  unikmer sample [flags] 

  -h, --help                help for sample
  -o, --out-prefix string   out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
  -s, --start int           start location (default 1)
  -w, --window int          window size (default 1)


Search k-mers from binary files

  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. Canonical k-mers are used and outputted.
  3. Input files should ALL have or don't have taxid information.

  1. Increase value of '-j' for better performance when dealing with
     lots of files, especially on SDD.
  2. For searching using binary .unik file, use 'unikmer inter --mix-taxid',
     which is faster than 'unikmer grep' in single-thread mode.

  unikmer grep [flags] 

  -D, --degenerate                query k-mers contains degenerate base
      --force                     overwrite output directory
  -h, --help                      help for grep
  -v, --invert-match              invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching records
  -m, --multiple-outfiles         write results into separated files for multiple input files
  -O, --out-dir string            output directory (default "unikmer-grep")
  -o, --out-prefix string         out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
  -S, --out-suffix string         output suffix (default ".grep")
  -q, --query strings             query k-mers/taxids (multiple values delimted by comma supported)
  -f, --query-file strings        query file (one k-mer/taxid per line)
  -t, --query-is-taxid            queries are taxids
  -F, --query-unik-file strings   query file in .unik format
  -d, --repeated                  only print duplicate k-mers
  -s, --sort                      sort k-mers, this significantly reduce file size for k<=25. This flag
                                  overides global flag -c/--compact
  -u, --unique                    remove duplicate k-mers


Filter out low-complexity k-mers (experimental)

  1. This command only detects single base repeat now.

  unikmer filter [flags] 

  -h, --help                help for filter
  -v, --invert              invert result, i.e., output low-complexity k-mers
  -o, --out-prefix string   out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
  -d, --penalty-d int       penalty for different bases (default 1)
  -s, --penalty-s int       penalty for successive bases (default 3)
  -t, --threshold int       penalty threshold for filter, higher is stricter (default 15)
  -w, --window int          window size for checking penalty (default 7)


Filter k-mers by taxonomic rank

  1. Flag -L/--lower-than and -H/--higher-than are exclusive, and can be
     used along with -E/--equal-to which values can be different.
  2. A list of pre-ordered ranks is in ~/.unikmer/ranks.txt, you can use
     your list by -r/--rank-file, the format specification is below.
  3. All ranks in taxonomy database should be defined in rank file.
  4. Ranks can be removed with black list via -B/--black-list.
  5. TaxIds with no rank can be optionally discarded by -N/--discard-noranks.
  6. But when filtering with -L/--lower-than, you can use
    -n/--save-predictable-norank to save some special ranks without order,
    where rank of the closest higher node is still lower than rank cutoff.

Rank file:
  1. Blank lines or lines starting with "#" are ignored.
  2. Ranks are in decending order and case ignored.
  3. Ranks with same order should be in one line separated with comma (",", no space).
  4. Ranks without order should be assigned a prefix symbol "!" for each rank.

  unikmer rfilter [flags] 

  -B, --black-list strings        black list of ranks to discard, e.g., '"no rank", "clade"'
  -N, --discard-noranks           discard ranks without order, type "unikmer filter --help" for details
  -R, --discard-root              discard root taxid, defined by --root-taxid
  -E, --equal-to strings          output taxIDs with rank equal to some ranks, multiple values can be
                                  separated with comma "," (e.g., -E "genus,species"), or give multiple
                                  times (e.g., -E genus -E species)
  -h, --help                      help for rfilter
  -H, --higher-than string        output ranks higher than a rank, exclusive with --lower-than
      --list-order                list defined ranks in order
      --list-ranks                list ordered ranks in taxonomy database
  -L, --lower-than string         output ranks lower than a rank, exclusive with --higher-than
  -o, --out-prefix string         out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
  -r, --rank-file string          user-defined ordered taxonomic ranks, type "unikmer rfilter --help"
                                  for details
      --root-taxid uint32         root taxid (default 1)
  -n, --save-predictable-norank   do not discard some special ranks without order when using -L, where
                                  rank of the closest higher node is still lower than rank cutoff


Locate k-mers in genome

  0. All files should have the 'canonical' flag.
  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. Output is BED6 format.
  3. When using experimental flag --circular, leading subsequence of k-1 bp
     is appending to end of sequence. End position of k-mers that crossing
     sequence end would be greater than sequence length.

  unikmer locate [flags] 

      --circular                  circular genome. type "unikmer locate -h" for details
  -g, --genome strings            genomes in (gzipped) fasta file(s)
  -h, --help                      help for locate
  -o, --out-prefix string         out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
  -B, --seq-name-filter strings   list of regular expressions for filtering out sequences by
                                  header/name, case ignored.


Mapping k-mers back to the genome and extract successive regions/subsequences

  0. By default, only unique-mapped k-mers are considered.
     You can use -M/--allow-multiple-mapped-kmerss to allow mutiple-mapped k-mers.
  1. The 'canonical/scaled/hashed' flags of all files should be consistent.
  2. Default output is in BED3 format, with left-closed and right-open
     0-based interval.
  3. When using flag --circular, end position of subsequences that 
     crossing genome sequence end would be greater than sequence length.

  unikmer map [flags] 

  map, uniqs

  -M, --allow-multiple-mapped-kmers    allow multiple mapped k-mers
      --circular                       circular genome. type "unikmer uniqs -h" for details
  -g, --genome strings                 genomes in (gzipped) fasta file(s)
  -h, --help                           help for map
  -X, --max-gap-num int                max number of gaps (consecutive unmapped k-mers)
  -x, --max-gap-size int               max gap size (the number of consecutive unmapped k-mers)
  -m, --min-len int                    minimum length of subsequence (default 200)
  -o, --out-prefix string              out file prefix ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
  -a, --output-fasta                   output fasta format instead of BED3
  -B, --seq-name-filter strings        list of regular expressions for filtering out sequences by
                                       header/name, case ignored
  -W, --seqs-in-a-file-as-one-genome   treat seqs in a genome file as one genome