LexicMap: efficient sequence alignment against millions of prokaryotic genomes​
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Latest Version Anaconda Cloud Cross-platform license

LexicMap is a nucleotide sequence alignment tool for efficiently querying gene, plasmid, virus, or long-read sequences against up to millions of prokaryotic genomes.


Feature overview

Easy to install

Linux, Windows, MacOS and more OS are supported.

Both x86 and ARM CPUs are supported.

Just download the binary files and run!

Or install it by

conda install -c bioconda lexicmap
Installation Releases

Easy to use

Step 1: indexing

lexicmap index -I genomes/ -O db.lmi

Step 2: searching

lexicmap search -d db.lmi q.fasta -o r.tsv
Tutorials Usages FAQs Notes

Accurate and efficient alignment

Using LexicMap to search in the whole 2,340,672 Genbank+Refseq prokaryotic genomes with 48 CPUs.

Query Genome hits Time RAM
A 1.3-kb gene 37,164 36s 4.1GB
A 1.5-kb 16S rRNA 1,949,496 10m41s 14.1GB
A 52.8-kb plasmid 544,619 19m20s 19.3GB
1003 AMR genes 25,702,419 187m40s 55.4GB

Blastn is unable to run with the same dataset on common servers as it requires >2000 GB RAM.
