FAQs on FASTA/Q manipulations
This page was originally written as the section FASTA/Q manipulations of The Biostar Handbook: A Beginner's Guide to Bioinformatics (discussion on Biostars.org).
This page illustrates common FASTA/Q manipulations using SeqKit. Some other utilities, including csvtk (CSV/TSV toolkit) and shell commands were also used.
Note: SeqKit seamlessly support FASTA and FASTQ formats both in their original form or in stored in gzipped compressed format. We list FASTA or FASTQ depending on the more common usage but you can always use it on the other type as well.
- Example data
- How to produce an overview of FASTQ files?
- How to get GC content of every sequence in FASTA/Q file?
- How to extract sequences subset from FASTA/Q file with name/ID list file?
- How to find FASTA/Q sequences containing degenerate bases and locate them?
- How to remove duplicated FASTA/Q records with same sequences?
- How to locate motif/subsequence/enzyme digest site in FASTA/Q sequence?
- How to sort huge number of FASTA sequences by length?
- How to split FASTA sequences according to information in header?
- How to search and replace FASTA header with known character strings from a text file?
- How to extract paired reads from two paired-end reads file?
- How to concatenate two FASTA sequences in to one?
Example data
One FASTQ file (sample reads, 1M) and two FASTA files (Virus DNA and protein sequences from NCBI RefSeq database, 60+40M) are used.
wget http://data.biostarhandbook.com/reads/duplicated-reads.fq.gz
wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/refseq/release/viral/viral.1.1.genomic.fna.gz
wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/refseq/release/viral/viral.1.protein.faa.gz
How to produce an overview of FASTQ files?
Sequence format and type are automatically detected.
$ seqkit stat *.gz
file format type num_seqs sum_len min_len avg_len max_len
duplicated-reads.fq.gz FASTQ DNA 15,000 1,515,000 101 101 101
viral.1.1.genomic.fna.gz FASTA DNA 7,048 203,325,120 200 28,848.6 2,473,870
viral.1.protein.faa.gz FASTA Protein 252,611 62,024,702 5 245.5 8,960
How to get GC content of every sequence in FASTA/Q file?
seqkit fx2tab
converts FASTA/Q to 3-column tabular format (1th: name/ID,
2nd: sequence, 3rd: quality), and can also provides
various information in new columns, including sequence length, GC content/GC skew, alphabet.
GC content:
$ seqkit fx2tab --name --only-id --gc viral*.fna.gz
gi|526245010|ref|NC_021865.1| 40.94
gi|460042095|ref|NC_020479.1| 41.82
gi|526244636|ref|NC_021857.1| 49.17
Custom bases (A, C and A+C):
$ seqkit fx2tab -H -n -i -B a -B c -B ac viral.1.1.genomic.fna.gz
#name seq qual a c ac
gi|526245010|ref|NC_021865.1| 33.20 18.24 51.44
gi|460042095|ref|NC_020479.1| 32.57 19.63 52.20
gi|526244636|ref|NC_021857.1| 25.52 23.06 48.59
How to extract sequences subset from FASTA/Q file with name/ID list file?
This is a frequently used manipulation. Let's create a sample ID list file, which may also come from other way like mapping result.
$ seqkit sample --proportion 0.001 duplicated-reads.fq.gz \
| seqkit seq --name --only-id > id.txt
ID list file:
$ head id.txt
Searching by ID list file:
$ seqkit grep --pattern-file id.txt duplicated-reads.fq.gz \
> duplicated-reads.subset.fq.gz
How to find FASTA/Q sequences containing degenerate bases and locate them?
seqkit fx2tab
converts FASTA/Q to tabular format and can output the sequence
alphabet in a new column. And then text searching tools can be used to filter
the table.
$ seqkit fx2tab -n -i -a viral.1.1.genomic.fna.gz \
| csvtk -H -t grep -f 4 -r -i -p "[^ACGT]"
gi|446730228|ref|NC_019782.1| ACGNT
gi|557940284|ref|NC_022800.1| ACGKT
gi|564292828|ref|NC_023009.1| ACGNT
Long-option version of the command:
$ seqkit fx2tab --name --only-id --alphabet viral.1.1.genomic.fna.gz \
| csvtk --no-header-row --tabs grep --fields 4 --use-regexp --ignore-case --pattern "[^ACGT]"
You can then exclude these sequences with seqkit grep
# save the sequenece IDs.
$ seqkit fx2tab -n -i -a viral.1.1.genomic.fna.gz \
| csvtk -H -t grep -f 4 -r -i -p "[^ACGT]" | csvtk -H -t cut -f 1 > id2.txt
# search and exclude.
$ seqkit grep --pattern-file id2.txt --invert-match viral.1.1.genomic.fna.gz > clean.fa
Or locate the degenerate bases, e.g, N
and K
$ seqkit grep --pattern-file id2.txt viral.1.1.genomic.fna.gz \
| seqkit locate --ignore-case --only-positive-strand --pattern K+ --pattern N+
seqID patternName pattern strand start end matched
gi|564292828|ref|NC_023009.1| N+ N+ + 87972 87972 N
gi|564292828|ref|NC_023009.1| N+ N+ + 100983 100983 N
gi|557307918|ref|NC_022755.1| K+ K+ + 1788 1788 K
gi|557307918|ref|NC_022755.1| K+ K+ + 4044 4044 K
gi|589287065|ref|NC_023585.1| K+ K+ + 28296 28296 K
gi|590911929|ref|NC_023639.1| N+ N+ + 741654 741753 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
How to remove duplicated FASTA/Q records with same sequences?
$ seqkit rmdup --by-seq --ignore-case duplicated-reads.fq.gz > duplicated-reads.uniq.fq.gz
If the FASTA/Q file is very large, please switch on flag -m/--md5
which use MD5 instead of original seqs to reduce memory usage
when comparing by sequences.
You can also deduplicate according to sequence ID (default) or
full name (--by-name
How to locate motif/subsequence/enzyme digest site in FASTA/Q sequence?
Related posts: Question: Count and location of strings in fastq file reads, Question: Finding TATAWAA in sequence .
Assuming a list of motifs (enzyme digest sites) in FASTA format to be located:
$ cat enzymes.fa
Flag --degenerate
is on because patterns contain degenerate bases. Command:
$ seqkit locate --degenerate --ignore-case --pattern-file enzymes.fa viral.1.1.genomic.fna.gz
Sample output (simplified and reformated by csvtk -t uniq -f 3 | csvtk -t pretty
seqID patternName pattern strand start end matched
gi|526245010|ref|NC_021865.1| MmeI TCCRAC + 1816 1821 TCCGAC
gi|526245010|ref|NC_021865.1| SacI GAGCTC + 19506 19511 GAGCTC
gi|526245010|ref|NC_021865.1| XcmI CCANNNNNNNNNTGG + 2221 2235 CCATATTTAGTGTGG
How to sort huge number of FASTA sequences by length?
Sorting FASTA file in order of sequence size (small to large).
$ seqkit sort --by-length viral.1.1.genomic.fna.gz > viral.1.1.genomic.sorted.fa
If the files are too big, use flag --two-pass
which consumes lesser memory.
$ seqkit sort --by-length --two-pass viral.1.1.genomic.fna.gz > viral.1.1.genomic.sorted.fa
You can also sort by sequence ID (default), full header (--by-name
) or
sequence content (--by-seq
How to split FASTA sequences according to information in header?
Related posts: Question: extract same all similar sequences in FASTA based on the header .
For example, FASTA header line of viral.1.protein.faa.gz
contain species name
in square brackets.
Overview of FASTA Headers:
$ seqkit head -n 3 viral.1.protein.faa.gz | seqkit seq --name
gi|526245011|ref|YP_008320337.1| terminase small subunit [Paenibacillus phage phiIBB_Pl23]
gi|526245012|ref|YP_008320338.1| terminase large subunit [Paenibacillus phage phiIBB_Pl23]
gi|526245013|ref|YP_008320339.1| portal protein [Paenibacillus phage phiIBB_Pl23]
seqkit split
can split FASTA/Q files according to ID, number of parts, size
of every parts, and sequence region. In this case, we'll split according to
sequence ID (species names) which can be specified by flag --id-regexp
Default ID:
$ seqkit head -n 3 viral.1.protein.faa.gz \
| seqkit seq --name --only-id
New ID:
$ seqkit head -n 3 viral.1.protein.faa.gz \
| seqkit seq --name --only-id --id-regexp "\[(.+)\]"
Paenibacillus phage phiIBB_Pl23
Paenibacillus phage phiIBB_Pl23
Paenibacillus phage phiIBB_Pl23
$ seqkit split --by-id --id-regexp "\[(.+)\]" viral.1.protein.faa.gz
How to search and replace FASTA header with known character strings from a text file?
Related posts: Question: Replace names in FASTA file with a known character string from a text file, Question: Fasta header, search and replace...? .
seqKit replace
can find substrings in FASTA/Q header with regular expression
and replace them with strings or corresponding values of found substrings
provided by the tab-delimited key-value file.
For example, to unify names of protein with unknown functions, we want to rename "hypothetical" to "putative" in lower case. The replacing rules are listed below in tab-delimited file:
$ cat changes.tsv
Hypothetical putative
hypothetical putative
Putative putative
Overview the FASTA headers containing "hypothetical":
$ seqkit grep --by-name --use-regexp --ignore-case --pattern hypothetical viral.1.protein.faa.gz \
| seqkit head -n 3 | seqkit seq --name
gi|526245016|ref|YP_008320342.1| hypothetical protein IBBPl23_06 [Paenibacillus phage phiIBB_Pl23]
gi|526245019|ref|YP_008320345.1| hypothetical protein IBBPl23_09 [Paenibacillus phage phiIBB_Pl23]
gi|526245020|ref|YP_008320346.1| hypothetical protein IBBPl23_10 [Paenibacillus phage phiIBB_Pl23]
A regular expression, ^([^ ]+ )(\w+)
, was used to specify the key to be
replaced, which is the first word after sequence ID in this case. Note that we also
capture the ID (^([^ ]+ )
) so we can restore it in "replacement" with
capture variable ${1}
(robuster than $1
And flag -I/--key-capt-idx
(default: 1) is set to 2 because the key (\w+)
is the second captured match. Command:
$ seqkit replace --kv-file changes.tsv --pattern "^([^ ]+ )(\w+) " \
--replacement "\${1}{kv} " --key-capt-idx 2 --keep-key viral.1.protein.faa.gz > renamed.fa
How to extract paired reads from two paired-end reads file?
Use seqkit pair.
How to concatenate two FASTA sequences in to one?
Related posts: Combining two fasta sequences into one
Data (not in same order):
$ cat 1.fa
$ cat 2.fa
Just one command:
$ seqkit concat 1.fa 2.fa