LexicMap: efficient sequence alignment against millions of prokaryotic genomes​
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Indexing AllTheBacteria

Make sure you have enough disk space, at least 8 TB, >10 TB is preferred.



Steps for v0.2 and later versions hosted at OSF

After v0.2, AllTheBacteria releases incremental datasets periodically, with all data stored at OSF.

  1. Downloading the list file of all assemblies in the latest version (v0.2 plus incremental versions). assemblies.

     mkdir -p atb;
     cd atb;
     # attention, the URL might changes, please check it in the browser.
     wget https://osf.io/download/4yv85/ -O file_list.all.latest.tsv.gz

    If you only need to add assemblies from an incremental version. Please manually download the file list in the path AllTheBacteria/Assembly/OSF Storage/File_lists.

  2. Downloading assembly tarball files.

     # tarball file names and their URLs
     zcat file_list.all.latest.tsv.gz | awk 'NR>1 {print $3"\t"$4}' | uniq > tar2url.tsv
     # download
     cat tar2url.tsv | rush --eta -j 2 -c -C download.rush 'wget -O {1} {2}'
  3. Decompressing all tarballs. The decompressed genomes are stored in plain text, so we use gzip (can be replaced with faster pigz ) to compress them to save disk space.

     # {^tar.xz} is for removing the suffix "tar.xz"
     ls *.tar.xz | rush --eta -c -C decompress.rush 'tar -Jxf {}; gzip -f {^.tar.xz}/*.fa'
     cd ..

    After that, the assemblies directory would have multiple subdirectories. When you give the directory to lexicmap index -I, it can recursively scan (plain or gz/xz/zstd-compressed) genome files. You can also give a file list with selected assemblies.

     $ tree atb | more
     ├── atb.assembly.r0.2.batch.1
     │   ├── SAMD00013333.fa.gz
     │   ├── SAMD00049594.fa.gz
     │   ├── SAMD00195911.fa.gz
     │   ├── SAMD00195914.fa.gz
  4. Parepare a file list of assemblies.

    • Just use find or fd (much faster).

       # find
       find atb/ -name "*.fa.gz" > files.txt
       # fd
       fd .fa.gz$ atb/ > files.txt

      What it looks like:

       $ head -n 2 files.txt
    • (Optional) Only keep assemblies of high-quality. Please manually download the hq_set.sample_list.txt.gz file from this path, e.g., AllTheBacteria/Metadata/OSF Storage/Aggregated/Latest_2024-08/ (choose the latest date).

        find atb/ -name "*.fa.gz" | grep -w -f <(zcat hq_set.sample_list.txt.gz) > files.txt
  5. Creating a LexicMap index. (more details: https://bioinf.shenwei.me/LexicMap/tutorials/index/)

     lexicmap index -S -X files.txt -O atb.lmi -b 25000 --log atb.lmi.log

Steps for v0.2 hosted at EBI ftp

  1. Downloading assemblies tarballs here (except these starting with unknown__) to a directory (like atb): https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/AllTheBacteria/Releases/0.2/assembly/

     mkdir -p atb;
     cd atb;
     # assembly file list, 650 files in total
     wget https://bioinf.shenwei.me/LexicMap/AllTheBacteria-v0.2.url.txt
     # download
     #   rush is used: https://github.com/shenwei356/rush
     #   The download.rush file stores finished jobs, which will be skipped in a second run for resuming jobs.
     cat AllTheBacteria-v0.2.url.txt | rush --eta -j 2 -c -C download.rush 'wget {}'
     # list of high-quality samples
     wget https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/AllTheBacteria/Releases/0.2/metadata/hq_set.sample_list.txt.gz
  2. Decompressing all tarballs. The decompressed genomes are stored in plain text, so we use gzip (can be replaced with faster pigz ) to compress them to save disk space.

     # {^asm.tar.xz} is for removing the suffix "asm.tar.xz"
     ls *.tar.xz | rush --eta -c -C decompress.rush 'tar -Jxf {}; gzip -f {^asm.tar.xz}/*.fa'
     cd ..

    After that, the assemblies directory would have multiple subdirectories. When you give the directory to lexicmap index -I, it can recursively scan (plain or gz/xz/zstd-compressed) genome files. You can also give a file list with selected assemblies.

     $ tree atb | more
     ├── achromobacter_xylosoxidans__01
     │   ├── SAMD00013333.fa.gz
     │   ├── SAMD00049594.fa.gz
     │   ├── SAMD00195911.fa.gz
     │   ├── SAMD00195914.fa.gz
     # disk usage
     $ du -sh atb
     2.9T    atb
     $ du -sh atb --apparent-size
     2.1T    atb
  3. Creating a LexicMap index. (more details: https://bioinf.shenwei.me/LexicMap/tutorials/index/)

     # file paths of all samples
     find atb/ -name "*.fa.gz" > atb_all.txt
     # wc -l atb_all.txt
     # 1876015 atb_all.txt
     # file paths of high-quality samples
     grep -w -f <(zcat atb/hq_set.sample_list.txt.gz) atb_all.txt > atb_hq.txt
     # wc -l atb_hq.txt
     # 1858610 atb_hq.txt
     # index
     lexicmap index -S -X atb_hq.txt -O atb_hq.lmi -b 25000 --log atb_hq.lmi.log

    For 1,858,610 HQ genomes, on a 48-CPU machine, time: 48 h, ram: 85 GB, index size: 3.88 TB. If you don’t have enough memory, please decrease the value of -b.

     # disk usage
     $ du -sh atb_hq.lmi
     4.6T    atb_hq.lmi
     $ du -sh atb_hq.lmi --apparent-size
     3.9T    atb_hq.lmi
     $ dirsize atb_hq.lmi
     atb_hq.lmi: 3.88 TiB (4,261,437,129,065)
       2.11 TiB      seeds
       1.77 TiB      genomes
      39.22 MiB      genomes.map.bin
     312.53 KiB      masks.bin
          332 B      info.toml

    Note that, there’s a tmp directory atb_hq.lmi being created during indexing. In the tmp directory, the seed data would be bigger than the final size of seeds directory, however, the genome files are simply moved to the final index.