LexicMap: efficient sequence alignment against millions of prokaryotic genomes​
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Indexing GTDB




time genome_updater.sh -d "refseq,genbank" -g "archaea,bacteria" \
    -f "genomic.fna.gz" -o "GTDB_complete" -M "gtdb" -t 12 -m -L curl

cd GTDB_complete/2024-01-30_19-34-40/

# ----------------- check the file integrity -----------------


# corrupted files
# find $genomes -name "*.gz" \
fd ".gz$" $genomes \
    | rush --eta 'seqkit seq -w 0 {} > /dev/null; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo {}; fi' \
    > failed.txt

# empty files
find $genomes -name "*.gz" -size 0 >> failed.txt

# delete these files
cat failed.txt | rush '/bin/rm {}'

# redownload them:
# run the genome_updater command again, with the flag -i

Indexing. On a 48-CPU machine, time: 11 h, ram: 64 GB, index size: 906 GB. If you don’t have enough memory, please decrease the value of -b.

lexicmap index \
    -I files/ \
    --ref-name-regexp '^(\w{3}_\d{9}\.\d+)' \
    -O gtdb_complete.lmi --log gtdb_complete.lmi.log \
    -b 5000


$ du -sh files gtdb_complete.lmi --apparent-size
413G    files
907G    gtdb_complete.lmi

$ dirsize gtdb_complete.lmi
gtdb_complete.lmi: 906.14 GiB (972,962,162,476)
543.06 GiB      seeds
362.98 GiB      genomes
102.37 MiB      kmers-m12345.tsv
  9.60 MiB      genomes.map.bin
312.53 KiB      masks.bin
     330 B      info.toml