LexicMap: efficient sequence alignment against millions of prokaryotic genomes​
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$ lexicmap utils seed-pos -h
Extract and plot seed positions via reference name(s)

  0. This command requires the index to be created with the flag --save-seed-pos in lexicmap index.
  1. Seed/K-mer positions (column pos) are 1-based.
     For reference genomes with multiple sequences, the sequences were
     concatenated to a single sequence with intervals of N's.
     So values of column pos_gnm and pos_seq might be different.
     The positions can be used to extract subsequence with 'lexicmap utils subseq'.
  2. All degenerate bases in reference genomes were converted to the lexicographic first bases.
     E.g., N was converted to A. Therefore, consecutive A's in output might be N's in the genomes.

Extra columns:
  Using -v/--verbose will output more columns:
     len_aaa,  length of consecutive A's.
     seq,      sequence between the previous and current seed.

  Using -O/--plot-dir will write plots into given directory:
    - Histograms of seed distances.
    - Histograms of numbers of seeds in sliding windows.

  lexicmap utils seed-pos [flags]

  -a, --all-refs             ► Output for all reference genomes. This would take a long time for an
                             index with a lot of genomes.
  -b, --bins int             ► Number of bins in histograms. (default 100)
      --color-index int      ► Color index (1-7). (default 1)
      --force                ► Overwrite existing output directory.
      --height float         ► Histogram height (unit: inch). (default 4)
  -h, --help                 help for seed-pos
  -d, --index string         ► Index directory created by "lexicmap index".
      --max-open-files int   ► Maximum opened files, used for extracting sequences. (default 512)
  -D, --min-dist int         ► Only output records with seed distance >= this value.
  -o, --out-file string      ► Out file, supports and recommends a ".gz" suffix ("-" for stdout).
                             (default "-")
  -O, --plot-dir string      ► Output directory for 1) histograms of seed distances, 2) histograms of
                             numbers of seeds in sliding windows.
      --plot-ext string      ► Histogram plot file extention. (default ".png")
  -n, --ref-name strings     ► Reference name(s).
  -s, --slid-step int        ► The step size of sliding windows for counting the number of seeds
                             (default 200)
  -w, --slid-window int      ► The window size of sliding windows for counting the number of seeds
                             (default 500)
  -v, --verbose              ► Show more columns including position of the previous seed and sequence
                             between the two seeds. Warning: it's slow to extract the sequences,
                             recommend set -D 1000 or higher values to filter results
      --width float          ► Histogram width (unit: inch). (default 6)

Global Flags:
  -X, --infile-list string   ► File of input file list (one file per line). If given, they are
                             appended to files from CLI arguments.
      --log string           ► Log file.
      --quiet                ► Do not print any verbose information. But you can write them to a file
                             with --log.
  -j, --threads int          ► Number of CPU cores to use. By default, it uses all available cores.
                             (default 16)


  1. Adding the flag --save-seed-pos in index building.

     $ lexicmap index -I refs/ -O demo.lmi --save-seed-pos --force
  2. Listing seed position of one genome.

     $ lexicmap utils seed-pos -d demo.lmi/ -n GCF_000017205.1 -o seed_distance.tsv
     $ head -n 10 seed_distance.tsv | csvtk pretty -t
     ref               seqid         pos_gnm   pos_seq   strand   distance
     ---------------   -----------   -------   -------   ------   --------
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   90        90        -        89
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   133       133       +        43
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   137       137       -        4
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   139       139       -        2
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   160       160       -        21
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   300       300       -        140
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   338       338       +        38
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   360       360       +        22
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   361       361       +        1

    Check the biggest seed distances.

     $ csvtk freq -t -f distance seed_distance.tsv \
         | csvtk sort -t -k distance:nr \
         | head -n 10 \
         | csvtk pretty -t
     distance   frequency
     --------   ---------
     199        43
     198        49
     197        52
     196        43
     195        44
     194        47
     193        43
     192        53
     191        38

    Or only list records with seed distances longer than a threshold.

     $ lexicmap utils seed-pos -d demo.lmi/ -n GCF_000017205.1 -D 190 \
         | csvtk pretty -t | head -n 5
     ref               seqid         pos_gnm   pos_seq   strand   distance
     ---------------   -----------   -------   -------   ------   --------
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   13964     13964     -        197
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   27420     27420     +        191
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   30942     30942     +        193

    Plot histogram of distances between seeds and histogram of number of seeds in sliding windows.

     $ lexicmap utils seed-pos -d demo.lmi/ -n GCF_000017205.1 -o seed_distance.tsv  --plot-dir seed_distance

    In the plot below, there’s a peak at 50 bp, because LexicMap fills sketching deserts with extra k-mers (seeds) of which their distance is 50 bp by default.

  3. More columns including sequences between two seeds.

     $ lexicmap utils seed-pos -d demo.lmi/  -n GCF_000017205.1 -v \
         | head -n4 | csvtk pretty -t -W 40 --clip
     ref               seqid         pos_gnm   pos_seq   strand   distance   len_aaa   seq
     ---------------   -----------   -------   -------   ------   --------   -------   ----------------------------------------
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   90        90        -        89         9         TTAAAGAGACCGGCGATTCTAGTGAAATCGAACGGGC...
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   133       133       +        43         3         TTTCTTTTAAAGGATAGAAGCGGTTATTGCTCTTGGT...
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   137       137       -        4          0         GGTT

    Or only list records with seed distance longer than a threshold.

     $ lexicmap utils seed-pos -d demo.lmi/ -n GCF_000017205.1 -v -D 190 \
         | head -n 2 \
         | csvtk pretty -t -W 40
     ref               seqid         pos_gnm   pos_seq   strand   distance   len_aaa   seq
     ---------------   -----------   -------   -------   ------   --------   -------   ----------------------------------------
     GCF_000017205.1   NC_009656.1   13964     13964     -        197        8         ATTTGCCCATTGAGGCGCCGGTATTGCGCATGGAAGTGGT
  4. Listing seed position of all genomes.

     $ lexicmap utils seed-pos -d demo.lmi/ --all-refs -o seed-pos.tsv.gz

    Show the number of seed positions in each genome. Frequencies larger than 40000 (the number of masks) means some k-mers can be foud in more than one positions in a genome.

     $ csvtk freq -t -f ref -nr seed-pos.tsv.gz | csvtk pretty -t
     ref               frequency
     ---------------   ---------
     GCF_000017205.1   134674
     GCF_000742135.1   103882
     GCF_003697165.2   92389
     GCF_000006945.2   91007
     GCF_002950215.1   89876
     GCF_002949675.1   84731
     GCF_009759685.1   72615
     GCF_001027105.1   56806
     GCF_000392875.1   55397
     GCF_006742205.1   52670
     GCF_001544255.1   49919
     GCF_900638025.1   46654
     GCF_001457655.1   46226
     GCF_001096185.1   46222
     GCF_000148585.2   44848

    Plot the histograms of distances between seeds for all genomes.

     $ lexicmap utils seed-pos -d demo.lmi/ --all-refs -o seed-pos.tsv.gz \
         --plot-dir seed_distance --force
     09:56:34.059 [INFO] creating genome reader pools, each batch with 1 readers...
     processed files:  15 / 15 [======================================] ETA: 0s. done
     09:56:34.656 [INFO] seed positions of 15 genomes(s) saved to seed-pos.tsv.gz
     09:56:34.656 [INFO] histograms of 15 genomes(s) saved to seed_distance
     09:56:34.656 [INFO]
     09:56:34.656 [INFO] elapsed time: 598.080462ms
     09:56:34.656 [INFO]
     $ ls seed_distance/
     GCF_000006945.2.png              GCF_000742135.1.png              GCF_001544255.1.png              GCF_006742205.1.png
     GCF_000006945.2.seed_number.png  GCF_000742135.1.seed_number.png  GCF_001544255.1.seed_number.png  GCF_006742205.1.seed_number.png
     GCF_000017205.1.png              GCF_001027105.1.png              GCF_002949675.1.png              GCF_009759685.1.png
     GCF_000017205.1.seed_number.png  GCF_001027105.1.seed_number.png  GCF_002949675.1.seed_number.png  GCF_009759685.1.seed_number.png
     GCF_000148585.2.png              GCF_001096185.1.png              GCF_002950215.1.png              GCF_900638025.1.png
     GCF_000148585.2.seed_number.png  GCF_001096185.1.seed_number.png  GCF_002950215.1.seed_number.png  GCF_900638025.1.seed_number.png
     GCF_000392875.1.png              GCF_001457655.1.png              GCF_003697165.2.png
     GCF_000392875.1.seed_number.png  GCF_001457655.1.seed_number.png  GCF_003697165.2.seed_number.png

    In the plots below, there’s a peak at 50 bp, because LexicMap fills sketching deserts with extra k-mers (seeds) of which their distance is 50 bp by default. And they show that the seed number, seed distance and seed density are related to genome sizes.

    • GCF_000392875.1 (genome size: 2.9 Mb)

    • GCF_002949675.1 (genome size: 4.6 Mb)

    • GCF_000017205.1 (genome size: 6.6 Mb)

The output (TSV format) is formatted with csvtk pretty. SeqKit is used to locating subsequences from fasta files. lexicmap utils subseq can also be used to extract subsequences from the index.