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Formatting lineageLink

Show lineage detail of a TaxId. The command below works on Windows with help of csvtk.

$ echo "2697049" \
    | taxonkit lineage -t \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 3 \
    | csvtk unfold -Ht -f 1 -s ";" \
    | taxonkit lineage -r -n -L \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 1,3,2 \
    | csvtk pretty -Ht

10239     superkingdom   Viruses
2559587   clade          Riboviria
2732396   kingdom        Orthornavirae
2732408   phylum         Pisuviricota
2732506   class          Pisoniviricetes
76804     order          Nidovirales
2499399   suborder       Cornidovirineae
11118     family         Coronaviridae
2501931   subfamily      Orthocoronavirinae
694002    genus          Betacoronavirus
2509511   subgenus       Sarbecovirus
694009    species        Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus
2697049   no rank        Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

Example data.

$ cat taxids3.txt

Format to 7-level ranks ("superkingdom phylum class order family genus species").

$ cat taxids3.txt \
    | taxonkit reformat -I 1

376619  Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Thiotrichales;Francisellaceae;Francisella;Francisella tularensis
349741  Bacteria;Verrucomicrobia;Verrucomicrobiae;Verrucomicrobiales;Akkermansiaceae;Akkermansia;Akkermansia muciniphila
239935  Bacteria;Verrucomicrobia;Verrucomicrobiae;Verrucomicrobiales;Akkermansiaceae;Akkermansia;Akkermansia muciniphila
314101  Bacteria;;;;;;uncultured murine large bowel bacterium BAC 54B
11932   Viruses;Artverviricota;Revtraviricetes;Ortervirales;Retroviridae;Intracisternal A-particles;Mouse Intracisternal A-particle
1327037 Viruses;Uroviricota;Caudoviricetes;Caudovirales;Siphoviridae;;Croceibacter phage P2559Y
83333   Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Enterobacterales;Enterobacteriaceae;Escherichia;Escherichia coli
1408252 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Enterobacterales;Enterobacteriaceae;Escherichia;Escherichia coli
2605619 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Enterobacterales;Enterobacteriaceae;Escherichia;Escherichia coli
2697049 Viruses;Pisuviricota;Pisoniviricetes;Nidovirales;Coronaviridae;Betacoronavirus;Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus

Format to 8-level ranks ("superkingdom phylum class order family genus species subspecies/rank").

$ cat taxids3.txt \
    | taxonkit reformat -I 1 -f "{k};{p};{c};{o};{f};{g};{s};{t}"

376619  Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Thiotrichales;Francisellaceae;Francisella;Francisella tularensis;Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica LVS
349741  Bacteria;Verrucomicrobia;Verrucomicrobiae;Verrucomicrobiales;Akkermansiaceae;Akkermansia;Akkermansia muciniphila;Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BAA-835
239935  Bacteria;Verrucomicrobia;Verrucomicrobiae;Verrucomicrobiales;Akkermansiaceae;Akkermansia;Akkermansia muciniphila;
314101  Bacteria;;;;;;uncultured murine large bowel bacterium BAC 54B;
11932   Viruses;Artverviricota;Revtraviricetes;Ortervirales;Retroviridae;Intracisternal A-particles;Mouse Intracisternal A-particle;
1327037 Viruses;Uroviricota;Caudoviricetes;Caudovirales;Siphoviridae;;Croceibacter phage P2559Y;
83333   Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Enterobacterales;Enterobacteriaceae;Escherichia;Escherichia coli;Escherichia coli K-12
1408252 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Enterobacterales;Enterobacteriaceae;Escherichia;Escherichia coli;Escherichia coli R178
2605619 Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Enterobacterales;Enterobacteriaceae;Escherichia;Escherichia coli;
2697049 Viruses;Pisuviricota;Pisoniviricetes;Nidovirales;Coronaviridae;Betacoronavirus;Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus;

Replace missing ranks with Unassigned and output tab-delimited format.

$ cat taxids3.txt \
    | taxonkit reformat -I 1 -r "Unassigned" -f "{k}\t{p}\t{c}\t{o}\t{f}\t{g}\t{s}\t{t}" \
    | csvtk pretty -H -t

376619    Bacteria   Proteobacteria    Gammaproteobacteria   Thiotrichales        Francisellaceae      Francisella                  Francisella tularensis                                  Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica LVS
349741    Bacteria   Verrucomicrobia   Verrucomicrobiae      Verrucomicrobiales   Akkermansiaceae      Akkermansia                  Akkermansia muciniphila                                 Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BAA-835
239935    Bacteria   Verrucomicrobia   Verrucomicrobiae      Verrucomicrobiales   Akkermansiaceae      Akkermansia                  Akkermansia muciniphila                                 Unassigned
314101    Bacteria   Unassigned        Unassigned            Unassigned           Unassigned           Unassigned                   uncultured murine large bowel bacterium BAC 54B         Unassigned
11932     Viruses    Artverviricota    Revtraviricetes       Ortervirales         Retroviridae         Intracisternal A-particles   Mouse Intracisternal A-particle                         Unassigned
1327037   Viruses    Uroviricota       Caudoviricetes        Caudovirales         Siphoviridae         Unassigned                   Croceibacter phage P2559Y                               Unassigned
83333     Bacteria   Proteobacteria    Gammaproteobacteria   Enterobacterales     Enterobacteriaceae   Escherichia                  Escherichia coli                                        Escherichia coli K-12
1408252   Bacteria   Proteobacteria    Gammaproteobacteria   Enterobacterales     Enterobacteriaceae   Escherichia                  Escherichia coli                                        Escherichia coli R178
2605619   Bacteria   Proteobacteria    Gammaproteobacteria   Enterobacterales     Enterobacteriaceae   Escherichia                  Escherichia coli                                        Unassigned
2697049   Viruses    Pisuviricota      Pisoniviricetes       Nidovirales          Coronaviridae        Betacoronavirus              Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus   Unassigned

Fill missing ranks and add prefixes.

$ cat taxids3.txt \
    | taxonkit reformat -I 1 -F -P -f "{k}\t{p}\t{c}\t{o}\t{f}\t{g}\t{s}\t{t}" \
    | csvtk pretty -H -t

376619    k__Bacteria   p__Proteobacteria                 c__Gammaproteobacteria           o__Thiotrichales                 f__Francisellaceae                g__Francisella                       s__Francisella tularensis                                  t__Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica LVS
349741    k__Bacteria   p__Verrucomicrobia                c__Verrucomicrobiae              o__Verrucomicrobiales            f__Akkermansiaceae                g__Akkermansia                       s__Akkermansia muciniphila                                 t__Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BAA-835
239935    k__Bacteria   p__Verrucomicrobia                c__Verrucomicrobiae              o__Verrucomicrobiales            f__Akkermansiaceae                g__Akkermansia                       s__Akkermansia muciniphila                                 t__unclassified Akkermansia muciniphila subspecies/strain
314101    k__Bacteria   p__unclassified Bacteria phylum   c__unclassified Bacteria class   o__unclassified Bacteria order   f__unclassified Bacteria family   g__unclassified Bacteria genus       s__uncultured murine large bowel bacterium BAC 54B         t__unclassified uncultured murine large bowel bacterium BAC 54B subspecies/strain
11932     k__Viruses    p__Artverviricota                 c__Revtraviricetes               o__Ortervirales                  f__Retroviridae                   g__Intracisternal A-particles        s__Mouse Intracisternal A-particle                         t__unclassified Mouse Intracisternal A-particle subspecies/strain
1327037   k__Viruses    p__Uroviricota                    c__Caudoviricetes                o__Caudovirales                  f__Siphoviridae                   g__unclassified Siphoviridae genus   s__Croceibacter phage P2559Y                               t__unclassified Croceibacter phage P2559Y subspecies/strain
83333     k__Bacteria   p__Proteobacteria                 c__Gammaproteobacteria           o__Enterobacterales              f__Enterobacteriaceae             g__Escherichia                       s__Escherichia coli                                        t__Escherichia coli K-12
1408252   k__Bacteria   p__Proteobacteria                 c__Gammaproteobacteria           o__Enterobacterales              f__Enterobacteriaceae             g__Escherichia                       s__Escherichia coli                                        t__Escherichia coli R178
2605619   k__Bacteria   p__Proteobacteria                 c__Gammaproteobacteria           o__Enterobacterales              f__Enterobacteriaceae             g__Escherichia                       s__Escherichia coli                                        t__unclassified Escherichia coli subspecies/strain
2697049   k__Viruses    p__Pisuviricota                   c__Pisoniviricetes               o__Nidovirales                   f__Coronaviridae                  g__Betacoronavirus                   s__Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus   t__unclassified Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus subspecies/strain

When these's no nodes of rank "subspecies" nor "strain", we can switch -S/--pseudo-strain to use the node with lowest rank as subspecies/strain name, if which rank is lower than "species".

$ cat taxids3.txt \
    | taxonkit lineage -r -L \
    | taxonkit reformat -I 1 -F -S -f "{k}\t{p}\t{c}\t{o}\t{f}\t{g}\t{s}\t{t}" \
    | cut -f 1,2,9,10 \
    | csvtk add-header -t -n "taxid,rank,species,strain" \
    | csvtk pretty -t

taxid     rank         species                                                 strain
-------   ----------   -----------------------------------------------------   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
376619    strain       Francisella tularensis                                  Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica LVS
349741    strain       Akkermansia muciniphila                                 Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BAA-835
239935    species      Akkermansia muciniphila                                 unclassified Akkermansia muciniphila subspecies/strain
314101    species      uncultured murine large bowel bacterium BAC 54B         unclassified uncultured murine large bowel bacterium BAC 54B subspecies/strain
11932     species      Mouse Intracisternal A-particle                         unclassified Mouse Intracisternal A-particle subspecies/strain
1327037   species      Croceibacter phage P2559Y                               unclassified Croceibacter phage P2559Y subspecies/strain
83333     strain       Escherichia coli                                        Escherichia coli K-12
1408252   subspecies   Escherichia coli                                        Escherichia coli R178
2605619   no rank      Escherichia coli                                        Escherichia coli O16:H48
2697049   no rank      Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus   Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

List eight-level lineage for all TaxIds of rank lower than or equal to species, including some nodes with "no rank". But when filtering with -L/--lower-than, you can use -n/--save-predictable-norank to save some special ranks without order, where rank of the closest higher node is still lower than rank cutoff.

$ time taxonkit list --ids 1 \
    | taxonkit filter -L species -E species -R -N -n \
    | taxonkit lineage -n -r -L \
    | taxonkit reformat -I 1 -F -S -f "{k}\t{p}\t{c}\t{o}\t{f}\t{g}\t{s}\t{t}" \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -l -f 1,3,2,1,4-11 \
    | csvtk add-header -t -n "taxid,rank,name,lineage,kingdom,phylum,class,order,family,genus,species,strain" \
    | pigz -c > result.tsv.gz

real    0m25.167s
user    2m14.809s
sys     0m7.197s

$ pigz -cd result.tsv.gz \
    | csvtk grep -t -f taxid -p 2697049 \
    | csvtk transpose -t \
    | csvtk pretty -H -t

taxid     2697049
rank      no rank
name      Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
lineage   Viruses;Riboviria;Orthornavirae;Pisuviricota;Pisoniviricetes;Nidovirales;Cornidovirineae;Coronaviridae;Orthocoronavirinae;Betacoronavirus;Sarbecovirus;Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus;Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
kingdom   Viruses
phylum    Pisuviricota
class     Pisoniviricetes
order     Nidovirales
family    Coronaviridae
genus     Betacoronavirus
species   Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus
strain    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

Mapping old species names to new onesLink

Some species names in papers or websites might changed, we can try querying their TaxIds via their old new names and then retrieve the new ones.

cat example/changed_species_names.txt
Lactobacillus fermentum
Mycoplasma gallinaceum

#  TaxonKit >= v0.15.1
cat example/changed_species_names.txt \
    | taxonkit name2taxid \
    | taxonkit lineage -i 2 -n \
    | cut -f 1,4

Lactobacillus fermentum Limosilactobacillus fermentum
Mycoplasma gallinaceum

Woops, there's no information of Mycoplasma gallinaceum. Then we check the taxid-changelog.

zcat taxonkit/taxid-changelog.csv.gz \
    | csvtk grep -f name -P example/changed_species_names.txt
    | csvtk cut -f taxid,version,change,name,rank \
    | csvtk pretty

taxid   version      change           name                      rank
-----   ----------   --------------   -----------------------   -------
1613    2013-02-21   NEW              Lactobacillus fermentum   species
1613    2016-03-01   ABSORB           Lactobacillus fermentum   species
1613    2016-03-01   CHANGE_LIN_LEN   Lactobacillus fermentum   species
29556   2013-02-21   NEW              Mycoplasma gallinaceum    species
29556   2016-03-01   CHANGE_LIN_LEN   Mycoplasma gallinaceum    species
29556   2021-01-01   CHANGE_NAME      Mycoplasma gallinaceum    species
29556   2021-01-01   CHANGE_LIN_LIN   Mycoplasma gallinaceum    species

We can see the names are changed. Full changes can be queried with the taxid. e.g.,

taxid   version      change           change-value   name                        rank
-----   ----------   --------------   ------------   -------------------------   -------
29556   2013-02-21   NEW                             Mycoplasma gallinaceum      species
29556   2016-03-01   CHANGE_LIN_LEN                  Mycoplasma gallinaceum      species
29556   2020-09-01   CHANGE_NAME                     Mycoplasmopsis gallinacea   species
29556   2020-09-01   CHANGE_LIN_TAX                  Mycoplasmopsis gallinacea   species
29556   2021-01-01   CHANGE_NAME                     Mycoplasma gallinaceum      species
29556   2021-01-01   CHANGE_LIN_LIN                  Mycoplasma gallinaceum      species
29556   2021-09-01   CHANGE_NAME                     Mycoplasmopsis gallinacea   species
29556   2021-09-01   CHANGE_LIN_LIN                  Mycoplasmopsis gallinacea   species
29556   2023-03-01   CHANGE_LIN_LIN                  Mycoplasmopsis gallinacea   species

Then we just use their TaxIds to rertrieve the new names. The final commands are:

zcat taxonkit/taxid-changelog.csv.gz \
    | csvtk grep -f name -P example/changed_species_names.txt \
    | csvtk uniq -f taxid \
    | csvtk cut -f name,taxid \
    | csvtk del-header \
    | csvtk csv2tab \
    | taxonkit lineage -i 2 -n \
    | cut -f 1,4

Lactobacillus fermentum Limosilactobacillus fermentum
Mycoplasma gallinaceum  Mycoplasmopsis gallinacea

Add taxonomy information to BLAST resultLink

An blast result file blast_result.txt, where the second column is the accession of matched sequences.

head -n 5 blast_result.txt | csvtk pretty -Ht

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/2/ccs    XM_013496560.1   78.745    494   99    3    6361    6851    895        1385       6.53e-83    326 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/2/ccs    XM_013496560.1   78.543    494   100   3    17168   17658   895        1385       3.04e-81    320 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/76/ccs   LR699760.1       100.000   37    0     0    8139    8175    14507874   14507910   4.27e-06    69.4
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/80/ccs   HG994975.1       80.556    540   81    16   8269    8798    3821290    3820765    8.65e-104   394 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/80/ccs   HG994975.1       77.805    410   89    2    9590    9998    3819858    3819450    5.51e-61    252

Prepare acc2taxid.tsv file from nucl_gb.accession2taxid.gz file. Here we use the accession column instead of accession.version column, in case of unmatched versions for some accessions.

zcat nucl_gb.accession2taxid.gz | cut -f 1,3 | gzip -c > acc2taxid.tsv.gz

Extract needed acc2taxid subset to reduce memory usage.

# extract accession and deduplicate and remove versions
cut -f 2 blast_result.txt | csvtk uniq -Ht | csvtk replace -Ht -p '\.\d+$' > acc.txt

# grep from acc2taxid.tsv.gz
zcat acc2taxid.tsv.gz | grep -w -f acc.txt >  hit.acc2taxid.tsv

Prepare taxid2name.tsv, species name are retrived for the taxids.

cut -f 2 hit.acc2taxid.tsv | taxonkit reformat -f '{s}' -I 1 > hit.taxid2name.tsv

Append taxids according to the accessions, and append species names for the taxids.

csvtk add-header -t --names "qseqid,sseqid,pident,length,mismatch,gapopen,qstart,qend,sstart,send,evalue,bitscore"  blast_result.txt \
    | csvtk mutate -t -f sseqid -n taxid \
    | csvtk replace -t -k hit.acc2taxid.tsv -f taxid -p '(.+)\.\d+' -r '{kv}' \
    | csvtk mutate -t -f taxid -n species \
    | csvtk replace -t -k hit.taxid2name.tsv -f species -p '(.+)' -r '{kv}' \
    | head -n 5 | csvtk pretty -t

qseqid                         sseqid           pident    length   mismatch   gapopen   qstart   qend    sstart     send       evalue      bitscore   taxid   species             
----------------------------   --------------   -------   ------   --------   -------   ------   -----   --------   --------   ---------   --------   -----   --------------------
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/2/ccs    XM_013496560.1   78.745    494      99         3         6361     6851    895        1385       6.53e-83    326        44415   Eimeria mitis       
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/2/ccs    XM_013496560.1   78.543    494      100        3         17168    17658   895        1385       3.04e-81    320        44415   Eimeria mitis       
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/76/ccs   LR699760.1       100.000   37       0          0         8139     8175    14507874   14507910   4.27e-06    69.4       3702    Arabidopsis thaliana
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/80/ccs   HG994975.1       80.556    540      81         16        8269     8798    3821290    3820765    8.65e-104   394        5802    Eimeria tenella

Parsing kraken/bracken resultLink

Example Data

Run Kraken2 and Bracken





kraken2 --db ${KRAKEN_DB} --threads ${THREADS} -report ${SAMPLE}.kreport $SAMPLE > ${SAMPLE}.kraken -i ${SAMPLE}.kreport -k ${KRAKEN_DB}/database${READ_LEN}mers.kmer_distrib \

Orignial format

$ head -n 15 SRS014459-Stool.fasta.gz_bracken_species.kreport
100.00  9491    0       R       1       root
99.85   9477    0       R1      131567    cellular organisms
99.85   9477    0       D       2           Bacteria
66.08   6271    0       D1      1783270       FCB group
66.08   6271    0       D2      68336           Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi group
66.08   6271    0       P       976               Bacteroidetes
66.08   6271    0       C       200643              Bacteroidia
66.08   6271    0       O       171549                Bacteroidales
34.45   3270    0       F       815                     Bacteroidaceae
34.45   3270    0       G       816                       Bacteroides
10.43   990     990     S       246787                      Bacteroides cellulosilyticus
7.98    757     757     S       28116                       Bacteroides ovatus
3.10    293     0       G1      2646097                     unclassified Bacteroides
1.06    100     100     S       2755405                       Bacteroides sp. CACC 737
0.49    46      46      S       2650157                       Bacteroides sp. HF-5287

Converting to MetaPhlAn2 format. (Similar to

$ cat SRS014459-Stool.fasta.gz_bracken_species.kreport \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 5,1 \
    | taxonkit lineage \
    | taxonkit reformat -i 3 -P -f "{k}|{p}|{c}|{o}|{f}|{g}|{s}" \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 4,2 \
    | csvtk replace -Ht -p "(\|[kpcofgs]__)+$" \
    | csvtk replace -Ht -p "\|[kpcofgs]__\|" -r "|" \
    | csvtk uniq -Ht \
    | csvtk grep -Ht -p k__ -v \
    > SRS014459-Stool.fasta.gz_bracken_species.kreport.format

$ head -n 10 SRS014459-Stool.fasta.gz_bracken_species.kreport.format

k__Bacteria     99.85
k__Bacteria|p__Bacteroidetes    66.08
k__Bacteria|p__Bacteroidetes|c__Bacteroidia     66.08
k__Bacteria|p__Bacteroidetes|c__Bacteroidia|o__Bacteroidales    66.08
k__Bacteria|p__Bacteroidetes|c__Bacteroidia|o__Bacteroidales|f__Bacteroidaceae  34.45
k__Bacteria|p__Bacteroidetes|c__Bacteroidia|o__Bacteroidales|f__Bacteroidaceae|g__Bacteroides   34.45
k__Bacteria|p__Bacteroidetes|c__Bacteroidia|o__Bacteroidales|f__Bacteroidaceae|g__Bacteroides|s__Bacteroides cellulosilyticus   10.43
k__Bacteria|p__Bacteroidetes|c__Bacteroidia|o__Bacteroidales|f__Bacteroidaceae|g__Bacteroides|s__Bacteroides ovatus     7.98
k__Bacteria|p__Bacteroidetes|c__Bacteroidia|o__Bacteroidales|f__Bacteroidaceae|g__Bacteroides|s__Bacteroides sp. CACC 737       1.06
k__Bacteria|p__Bacteroidetes|c__Bacteroidia|o__Bacteroidales|f__Bacteroidaceae|g__Bacteroides|s__Bacteroides sp. HF-5287        0.49

Converting to Qiime format

$ cat SRS014459-Stool.fasta.gz_bracken_species.kreport \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 5,1 \
    | taxonkit lineage \
    | taxonkit reformat -i 3 -P -f "{k}; {p}; {c}; {o}; {f}; {g}; {s}" \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 4,2 \
    | csvtk replace -Ht -p "(; [kpcofgs]__)+$" \
    | csvtk replace -Ht -p "; [kpcofgs]__; " -r "; " \
    | csvtk uniq -Ht \
    | csvtk grep -Ht -p k__ -v \
    | head -n 10

k__Bacteria     99.85
k__Bacteria; p__Bacteroidetes   66.08
k__Bacteria; p__Bacteroidetes; c__Bacteroidia   66.08
k__Bacteria; p__Bacteroidetes; c__Bacteroidia; o__Bacteroidales 66.08
k__Bacteria; p__Bacteroidetes; c__Bacteroidia; o__Bacteroidales; f__Bacteroidaceae      34.45
k__Bacteria; p__Bacteroidetes; c__Bacteroidia; o__Bacteroidales; f__Bacteroidaceae; g__Bacteroides      34.45
k__Bacteria; p__Bacteroidetes; c__Bacteroidia; o__Bacteroidales; f__Bacteroidaceae; g__Bacteroides; s__Bacteroides cellulosilyticus     10.43
k__Bacteria; p__Bacteroidetes; c__Bacteroidia; o__Bacteroidales; f__Bacteroidaceae; g__Bacteroides; s__Bacteroides ovatus       7.98
k__Bacteria; p__Bacteroidetes; c__Bacteroidia; o__Bacteroidales; f__Bacteroidaceae; g__Bacteroides; s__Bacteroides sp. CACC 737 1.06
k__Bacteria; p__Bacteroidetes; c__Bacteroidia; o__Bacteroidales; f__Bacteroidaceae; g__Bacteroides; s__Bacteroides sp. HF-5287  0.49

Save taxon proportion and taxid, and get lineage, name and rank.

$ cat SRS014459-Stool.fasta.gz_bracken_species.kreport \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 1,5 \
    | taxonkit lineage -i 2 -n -r \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 1,2,5,4,3 \
    | head -n 10 \
    | csvtk pretty -Ht

100.00   1         no rank        root                           root
99.85    131567    no rank        cellular organisms             cellular organisms
99.85    2         superkingdom   Bacteria                       cellular organisms;Bacteria
66.08    1783270   clade          FCB group                      cellular organisms;Bacteria;FCB group
66.08    68336     clade          Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi group   cellular organisms;Bacteria;FCB group;Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi group
66.08    976       phylum         Bacteroidetes                  cellular organisms;Bacteria;FCB group;Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi group;Bacteroidetes
66.08    200643    class          Bacteroidia                    cellular organisms;Bacteria;FCB group;Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi group;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia
66.08    171549    order          Bacteroidales                  cellular organisms;Bacteria;FCB group;Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi group;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales
34.45    815       family         Bacteroidaceae                 cellular organisms;Bacteria;FCB group;Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi group;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Bacteroidaceae
34.45    816       genus          Bacteroides                    cellular organisms;Bacteria;FCB group;Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi group;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Bacteroidaceae;Bacteroides

Only save species or lower level and get lineage in format of "superkingdom phylum class order family genus species".

$ cat SRS014459-Stool.fasta.gz_bracken_species.kreport \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 1,5 \
    | taxonkit filter -N -E species -L species -i 2 \
    | taxonkit lineage -i 2 -n -r \
    | taxonkit reformat -i 3 -f "{k};{p};{c};{o};{f};{g};{s}" \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 1,2,5,4,6 \
    | csvtk add-header -t -n abundance,taxid,rank,name,lineage \
    | head -n 10 \
    | csvtk pretty -t

abundance   taxid     rank      name                           lineage
---------   -------   -------   ----------------------------   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10.43       246787    species   Bacteroides cellulosilyticus   Bacteria;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Bacteroidaceae;Bacteroides;Bacteroides cellulosilyticus
7.98        28116     species   Bacteroides ovatus             Bacteria;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Bacteroidaceae;Bacteroides;Bacteroides ovatus
1.06        2755405   species   Bacteroides sp. CACC 737       Bacteria;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Bacteroidaceae;Bacteroides;Bacteroides sp. CACC 737
0.49        2650157   species   Bacteroides sp. HF-5287        Bacteria;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Bacteroidaceae;Bacteroides;Bacteroides sp. HF-5287
0.99        2528203   species   Bacteroides sp. A1C1           Bacteria;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Bacteroidaceae;Bacteroides;Bacteroides sp. A1C1
0.28        2763022   species   Bacteroides sp. M10            Bacteria;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Bacteroidaceae;Bacteroides;Bacteroides sp. M10
0.16        2650158   species   Bacteroides sp. HF-5141        Bacteria;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Bacteroidaceae;Bacteroides;Bacteroides sp. HF-5141
0.12        2715212   species   Bacteroides sp. CBA7301        Bacteria;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Bacteroidaceae;Bacteroides;Bacteroides sp. CBA7301
5.10        817       species   Bacteroides fragilis           Bacteria;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Bacteroidaceae;Bacteroides;Bacteroides fragilis

Making nr blastdb for specific taxidsLink


  • (2023-11-27) BLAST+ 2.2.15 supports limiting a group of organisms without first using a custom script to get all species-level Taxonomy IDs (taxids) for the group. Details.

    E.g., Search of the nr BLAST database limited to Bacteria (taxID 2).

    blastp -db nr -taxids 2 -query ...
  • (2019) BLAST+ 2.8.1 is released with new databases, which allows you to limit your search by taxonomy using information built into the BLAST databases. So you don't need to build blastdb for specific taxids now.


  • 2018-09-13 rewritten
  • 2018-12-22 providing faster method for step 3.1
  • 2019-01-07 add note of new blastdb version
  • 2020-10-14 update steps for huge number of accessions belong to high taxon level like bacteria.


Hardware in this tutorial

  • CPU: AMD 8-cores/16-threads 3.7Ghz
  • RAM: 64GB
  • DISK:
    • Taxonomy files stores in NVMe SSD
    • blastdb files stores in 7200rpm HDD


  • blast+
  • pigz (recommended, faster than gzip)
  • taxonkit
  • seqkit (recommended), version >= 0.14.0
  • rush (optional, for parallizing filtering sequence)


  1. Listing all taxids below $id using taxonkit.

    # 6656 is the phylum Arthropoda
    # echo 6656 | taxonkit lineage | taxonkit reformat
    # 6656    cellular organisms;Eukaryota;Opisthokonta;Metazoa;Eumetazoa;Bilateria;Protostomia;Ecdysozoa;Panarthropoda;Arthropoda    Eukaryota;Arthropoda;;;;;
    # 2     bacteria
    # 2157  archaea
    # 4751  fungi
    # 10239 virus
    # time: 2s
    taxonkit list --ids $id --indent "" > $id.taxid.txt
    # taxonkit list --ids 2,4751,10239 --indent "" > microbe.taxid.txt
    wc -l $id.taxid.txt
    # 518373 6656.taxid.txt
  2. Retrieving target accessions. There are two options:

    1. From prot.accession2taxid.gz (faster, recommended). Note that some accessions are not in nr.

      # time: 4min
      pigz -dc prot.accession2taxid.gz \
          | csvtk grep -t -f taxid -P $id.taxid.txt \
          | csvtk cut -t -f accession.version,taxid \
          | sed 1d \
          > $id.acc2taxid.txt
      cut -f 1 $id.acc2taxid.txt > $id.acc.txt
      wc -l $id.acc.txt
      # 8174609 6656.acc.txt
    2. From pre-formated nr blastdb

      # time: 40min
      blastdbcmd -db nr -entry all -outfmt "%a %T" | pigz -c > nr.acc2taxid.txt.gz
      pigz -dc nr.acc2taxid.txt.gz | wc -l
      # 555220892
      # time: 3min
      pigz -dc nr.acc2taxid.txt.gz \
          | csvtk grep -d ' ' -D ' ' -f 2 -P $id.taxid.txt \
          | cut -d ' '  -f 1 \
          > $id.acc.txt
      wc -l $id.acc.txt
      # 6928021 6656.acc.txt
  3. Retrieving FASTA sequences from pre-formated blastdb. There are two options:

    1. From nr.fa exported from pre-formated blastdb (faster, smaller output file, recommended). DO NOT directly download nr.gz from ncbi ftp, in which the FASTA headers are not well formated.

      # 1. exporting nr.fa from pre-formated blastdb
      # time: 117min (run only once)
      blastdbcmd -db nr -dbtype prot -entry all -outfmt "%f" -out - | pigz -c > nr.fa.gz
      # =====================================================================
      # 2. filtering sequence belong to $taxid
      # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      # methond 1) (for cases where $id.acc.txt is not very huge)
      # time: 80min
      # perl one-liner is used to unfold records having mulitple accessions
      time cat <(echo) <(pigz -dc nr.fa.gz) \
          | perl -e 'BEGIN{ $/ = "\n>"; <>; } while(<>){s/>$//;  $i = index $_, "\n"; $h = substr $_, 0, $i; $s = substr $_, $i+1; if ($h !~ />/) { print ">$_"; next; }; $h = ">$h"; while($h =~ />([^ ]+ .+?) ?(?=>|$)/g){ $h1 = $1; $h1 =~ s/^\W+//; print ">$h1\n$s";} } ' \
          | seqkit grep -f $id.acc.txt -o nr.$id.fa.gz
      # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      # method 2) (**faster**)
      # 33min (run only once)
      # (1). split nr.fa.gz. # Note: I have 16 cpus.
      $ time seqkit split2 -p 15 nr.fa.gz
      # (2). parallize unfolding
      $ cat
      perl -e 'BEGIN{ $/ = "\n>"; <>; } while(<>){s/>$//;  $i = index $_, "\n"; $h = substr $_, 0, $i; $s = substr $_, $i+1; if ($h !~ />/) { print ">$_"; next; }; $h = ">$h"; while($h =~ />([^ ]+ .+?) ?(?=>|$)/g){ $h1 = $1; $h1 =~ s/^\W+//; print ">$h1\n$s";} } '
      # 10 min
      time ls nr.fa.gz.split/nr.part_*.fa.gz \
          | rush -j 15 -v id=$id 'cat <(echo) <(pigz -dc {}) \
              | ./ \
              | seqkit grep -f {id}.acc.txt -o nr.{id}.{%@nr\.(.+)$} '
      # (3). merge result
      cat nr.$id.part*.fa.gz > nr.$id.fa.gz
      rm nr.$id.part*.fa.gz
      # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      # method 3) (for huge $id.acc.txt file, e.g., bacteria)
      # (1). split ${id}.acc.txt into several parts. chunk size depends on lines and RAM (64G for me).
      split -d -l 300000000 $id.acc.txt $id.acc.txt.part_
      # (2). filter
      time ls $id.acc.txt.part_* \
          | rush -j 1 --immediate-output -v id=$id \
              'echo {}; cat <(echo) <(pigz -dc nr.fa.gz ) \
              | ./ \
              | seqkit grep -f {} -o nr.{id}.{%@(part_.+)}.fa.gz '
      # (3). merge
      cat nr.$id.part*.fa.gz > nr.$id.fa.gz
      # clean
      rm nr.$id.part*.fa.gz
      rm $id.acc.txt.part_
      # (4). optionally adding taxid, you may edit replacement (-r) below
      # split
      time split -d -l 200000000 $id.acc2taxid.txt $id.acc2taxid.txt.part_
      ln -s nr.$id.fa.gz nr.$id.with-taxid.part0.fa.gz         
      for f in $id.acc2taxid.txt.part_* ; do
          echo $f
          time pigz -cd nr.$id.with-taxid.part$i.fa.gz \
              | seqkit replace -k $f -p "^([^\-]+?) " -r "{kv}-\$1 " -K -U -o nr.$id.with-taxid.part$(($i+1)).fa.gz;
          /bin/rm nr.$id.with-taxid.part$i.fa.gz
      mv nr.$id.with-taxid.part$i.fa.gz nr.$id.with-taxid.fa.gz
      # =====================================================================
      # 3. counting sequences
      # ls -lh nr.$id.fa.gz
      # -rw-r--r-- 1 shenwei shenwei 902M 9月  13 01:42 nr.6656.fa.gz
      pigz -dc nr.$id.fa.gz | grep '^>' -c
      # 6928017
      # Here 6928017 ~=  6928021 ($id.acc.txt)
    2. Directly from pre-formated blastdb

      # time: 5h20min
      blastdbcmd -db nr -entry_batch $id.acc.txt -out - | pigz -c > nr.$id.fa.gz
      # counting sequences
      # Note that the headers of outputed fasta by blastdbcmd are "folded"
      # for accessions from different species with same sequences, so the
      # number may be small than $(wc -l $id.acc.txt).
      pigz -dc nr.$id.fa.gz | grep '^>' -c
      # 1577383
      # counting accessions
      # ls -lh nr.$id.fa.gz
      # -rw-r--r-- 1 shenwei shenwei 2.1G 9月  13 03:38 nr.6656.fa.gz
      pigz -dc nr.$id.fa.gz | grep '^>' | sed 's/>/\n>/g' | grep '^>' -c
      # 288415413
  4. makeblastdb

    pigz -dc nr.$id.fa.gz > nr.$id.fa
    # time: 3min ($nr.$id.fa from step 3 option 1)
    # building $nr.$id.fa from step 3 option 2 with -parse_seqids would produce error:
    #     BLAST Database creation error: Error: Duplicate seq_ids are found: SP|P29868.1
    makeblastdb -parse_seqids -in nr.$id.fa -dbtype prot -out nr.$id
    # rm nr.$id.fa
  5. blastp (optional)

    # blastdb nr.$id is built from sequences in step 3 option 1
    blastp -num_threads 16 -db nr.$id -query t4.fa > t4.fa.blast
    # real    0m20.866s
    # $ cat t4.fa.blast | grep Query= -A 10
    # Query= A0A0J9X1W9.2 RecName: Full=Mu-theraphotoxin-Hd1a; Short=Mu-TRTX-Hd1a
    # Length=35
                                                                         Score     E
    # Sequences producing significant alignments:                          (Bits)  Value
    # 2MPQ_A  Chain A, Solution structure of the sodium channel toxin Hd1a  72.4    2e-17
    # A0A0J9X1W9.2  RecName: Full=Mu-theraphotoxin-Hd1a; Short=Mu-TRTX-...  72.4    2e-17
    # ADB56726.1  HNTX-IV.2 precursor [Haplopelma hainanum]                 66.6    9e-15
    # D2Y233.1  RecName: Full=Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn1b 2; Short=Mu-TRTX-H...  66.6    9e-15
    # ADB56830.1  HNTX-IV.3 precursor [Haplopelma hainanum]                 66.6    9e-15

Summaries of taxonomy dataLink

You can change the TaxId of interest.

  1. Rank counts of common categories.

    $ echo Archaea Bacteria Eukaryota Fungi Metazoa Viridiplantae \
        | rush -D ' ' -T b \
            'taxonkit list --ids $(echo {} | taxonkit name2taxid | cut -f 2) \
                | sed 1d \
                | taxonkit filter -i 2 -E genus -L genus \
                | taxonkit lineage -L -r \
                | csvtk freq -H -t -f 2 -nr \
                > stats.{}.tsv '
    $ csvtk -t join --outer-join stats.*.tsv \
        | csvtk add-header -t -n "rank,$(ls stats.*.tsv | rush -k 'echo {@stats.(.+).tsv}' | paste -sd, )" \
        | csvtk csv2md -t

    Similar data on NCBI Taxonomy

    rank Archaea Bacteria Eukaryota Fungi Metazoa Viridiplantae
    species 12482 460940 1349648 156908 957297 191026
    strain 354 40643 3486 2352 33 50
    genus 205 4112 90882 6844 64148 16202
    isolate 7 503 809 76 17 3
    species group 2 77 251 22 214 5
    serotype 218
    serogroup 136
    subsection 21 21
    subspecies 632 24523 158 17043 7212
    forma specialis 521 220 179 33 1
    species subgroup 23 101 101
    biotype 7 10
    morph 12 3 4 5
    section 437 37 2 398
    genotype 12 12
    series 9 5 4
    varietas 25 8499 1100 2 7188
    forma 4 560 185 6 315
    subgenus 1 1558 10 1414 112
    pathogroup 5
    subvariety 5 5
  2. Count of all ranks

    $ time taxonkit list --ids 1 \
        | taxonkit lineage -L -r \
        | csvtk freq -H -t -f 2 -nr \
        | csvtk pretty -H -t
    species            1879659
    no rank            222743
    genus              96625
    strain             44483
    subspecies         25174
    family             9492
    varietas           8524
    subfamily          3050
    tribe              2213
    order              1660
    subgenus           1618
    isolate            1319
    serotype           1216
    clade              886
    superfamily        865
    forma specialis    741
    forma              564
    subtribe           508
    section            437
    class              429
    suborder           372
    species group      330
    phylum             272
    subclass           156
    serogroup          138
    infraorder         130
    species subgroup   124
    superorder         55
    subphylum          33
    parvorder          26
    subsection         21
    genotype           20
    infraclass         18
    biotype            17
    morph              12
    kingdom            11
    series             9
    superclass         6
    cohort             5
    pathogroup         5
    subvariety         5
    superkingdom       4
    subcohort          3
    subkingdom         1
    superphylum        1
    real    0m3.663s
    user    0m15.897s
    sys     0m1.010s
  3. Ranks of taxa at or below species.

    $ taxonkit list --ids 1 \
        | taxonkit filter --lower-than species --equal-to species \
        | taxonkit lineage -L -r  \
        | csvtk freq -Ht -nr -f 2 \
        | csvtk add-header -t -n rank,count \
        | csvtk pretty -t
    rank              count
    ---------------   -------
    species           1880044
    no rank           222756
    strain            44483
    subspecies        25171
    varietas          8524
    isolate           1319
    serotype          1216
    clade             885
    forma specialis   741
    forma             564
    serogroup         138
    genotype          20
    biotype           17
    morph             12
    pathogroup        5
    subvariety        5

Merging GTDB and NCBI taxonomyLink

Sometimes (1) one needs to build a database including bacteria and archaea (from GTDB) and viral database from NCBI. The idea is to export lineages from both GTDB and NCBI using taxonkit reformat, and then create taxdump files from them with taxonkit create-taxdump.

  1. Exporting taxonomic lineages of taxa with rank equal to species from GTDB-taxdump.

    taxonkit list --data-dir gtdb-taxdump/R207/ --ids 1 --indent "" \
        | taxonkit filter --data-dir gtdb-taxdump/R207/ --equal-to species \
        | taxonkit reformat --data-dir gtdb-taxdump/R207/ --taxid-field 1 \
            --format "{k}\t{p}\t{c}\t{o}\t{f}\t{g}\t{s}" \
            -o gtdb.tsv
  2. Exporting taxonomic lineages of viral taxa with rank equal to or lower than species from NCBI taxdump. For taxa whose rank is "no rank" below the species, we treat them as tax of strain rank (--pseudo-strain, taxonkit v0.14.1 needed).

    # taxid of Viruses: 10239
    taxonkit list --data-dir ~/.taxonkit --ids 10239 --indent "" \
        | taxonkit filter --data-dir ~/.taxonkit --equal-to species --lower-than species \
        | taxonkit reformat --data-dir ~/.taxonkit --taxid-field 1 \
            --pseudo-strain --format "{k}\t{p}\t{c}\t{o}\t{f}\t{g}\t{s}\t{t}" \
            -o ncbi-viral.tsv
  3. Creating taxdump from lineages above.

    (awk '{print $_"\t"}' gtdb.tsv; cat ncbi-viral.tsv) \
        | taxonkit create-taxdump \
            --field-accession 1 \
            -R "superkingdom,phylum,class,order,family,genus,species,strain" \
            -O taxdump
    # we use --field-accession  1 to output the mapping file between old taxids and new ones.
    $ grep 2697049  taxdump/  # SARS-COV-2
    2697049 21630522

Some tests:

# SARS-COV-2 in NCBI taxonomy
$ echo 2697049 \
    | taxonkit lineage -t --data-dir ~/.taxonkit \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 3 \
    | csvtk unfold -Ht -f 1 -s ";" \
    | taxonkit lineage -r -n -L --data-dir ~/.taxonkit \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 1,3,2 \
    | csvtk pretty -Ht
10239     superkingdom   Viruses
2559587   clade          Riboviria
2732396   kingdom        Orthornavirae
2732408   phylum         Pisuviricota
2732506   class          Pisoniviricetes
76804     order          Nidovirales
2499399   suborder       Cornidovirineae
11118     family         Coronaviridae
2501931   subfamily      Orthocoronavirinae
694002    genus          Betacoronavirus
2509511   subgenus       Sarbecovirus
694009    species        Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus
2697049   no rank        Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

$ echo "Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2" | taxonkit name2taxid --data-dir taxdump/
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 216305222

$ echo 216305222 \
    | taxonkit lineage -t --data-dir taxdump/ \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 3 \
    | csvtk unfold -Ht -f 1 -s ";" \
    | taxonkit lineage -r -n -L --data-dir taxdump/ \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 1,3,2 \
    | csvtk pretty -Ht
1287770734   superkingdom   Viruses
1506901452   phylum         Pisuviricota
1091693597   class          Pisoniviricetes
37745009     order          Nidovirales
738421640    family         Coronaviridae
906833049    genus          Betacoronavirus
1015862491   species        Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus
216305222    strain         Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

$ echo "Escherichia coli"  | taxonkit name2taxid --data-dir taxdump/
Escherichia coli        1945799576

$ echo 1945799576 \
    | taxonkit lineage -t --data-dir taxdump/ \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 3 \
    | csvtk unfold -Ht -f 1 -s ";" \
    | taxonkit lineage -r -n -L --data-dir taxdump/ \
    | csvtk cut -Ht -f 1,3,2 \
    | csvtk pretty -Ht
609216830    superkingdom   Bacteria
1641076285   phylum         Proteobacteria
329474883    class          Gammaproteobacteria
1012954932   order          Enterobacterales
87250111     family         Enterobacteriaceae
1187493883   genus          Escherichia
1945799576   species        Escherichia coli

Filtering or subsetting taxdmp files to make a custom taxdmp with given TaxIDsLink

You want to create a smaller version of the official NCBI taxonomy taxdmp filtered or subset to just the lineages of certain species, for purposes such as creating small test data for testing of tools using taxdmp files.

Step 1: preparing taxids in the subset tree

# here, only keep nodes at the rank of species
taxonkit list --ids 707,9606 -I "" \
    | taxonkit filter -E species \
    | taxonkit lineage -t \
    | cut -f 3 \
    | sed -s 's/;/\n/g' \
    > taxids.txt

# the root node
echo 1 >> taxids.txt

Step 2: extracting data of needed nodes

mkdir subset

grep -w -f <(awk '{print "^"$1}' taxids.txt) ~/.taxonkit/nodes.dmp > subset/nodes.dmp
grep -w -f <(awk '{print "^"$1}' taxids.txt) ~/.taxonkit/names.dmp > subset/names.dmp

touch subset/delnodes.dmp subset/merged.dmp

Checking it. Since there are only two leaves here, we just dump the whole tree

$ wc -l subset/*.dmp
   0 subset/delnodes.dmp
   0 subset/merged.dmp
 144 subset/names.dmp
  39 subset/nodes.dmp
 183 total

$ taxonkit list --ids 1 --data-dir subset/ -nr
1 [no rank] root
  131567 [no rank] cellular organisms
    2 [superkingdom] Bacteria
      1224 [phylum] Pseudomonadota
        1236 [class] Gammaproteobacteria
          135623 [order] Vibrionales
            641 [family] Vibrionaceae
              662 [genus] Vibrio
                28174 [species] Vibrio ordalii
    2759 [superkingdom] Eukaryota
      33154 [clade] Opisthokonta
        33208 [kingdom] Metazoa
          6072 [clade] Eumetazoa
            33213 [clade] Bilateria
              33511 [clade] Deuterostomia
                7711 [phylum] Chordata
                  89593 [subphylum] Craniata
                    7742 [clade] Vertebrata
                      7776 [clade] Gnathostomata
                        117570 [clade] Teleostomi
                          117571 [clade] Euteleostomi
                            8287 [superclass] Sarcopterygii
                              1338369 [clade] Dipnotetrapodomorpha
                                32523 [clade] Tetrapoda
                                  32524 [clade] Amniota
                                    40674 [class] Mammalia
                                      32525 [clade] Theria
                                        9347 [clade] Eutheria
                                          1437010 [clade] Boreoeutheria
                                            314146 [superorder] Euarchontoglires
                                              9443 [order] Primates
                                                376913 [suborder] Haplorrhini
                                                  314293 [infraorder] Simiiformes
                                                    9526 [parvorder] Catarrhini
                                                      314295 [superfamily] Hominoidea
                                                        9604 [family] Hominidae
                                                          207598 [subfamily] Homininae
                                                            9605 [genus] Homo
                                                              9606 [species] Homo sapiens

$ echo 28174 | taxonkit lineage -nr --data-dir subset/
28174   cellular organisms;Bacteria;Pseudomonadota;Gammaproteobacteria;Vibrionales;Vibrionaceae;Vibrio;Vibrio ordalii       Vibrio ordalii  species